Consulting Development Analyst at Accenture Australia and New Zealand
Bachelor of Commerce at University of Auckland
7.00 AM
I feel the warmth of the sun, that usually means it’s time to get up and get rolling, but more often than not, I hit the snooze button for that extra thirty minutes deceiving restless sleep. Knowing it’s another day of working from home, I make my way downstairs to clean a plate of avocado on toast. Followed with a bit of morning reading, and a short cold shower, I feel energized and ready start the day.
8.30 AM
I instinctively set the kettle before getting comfortable at the desk chair in my room. With the notebook open, I write and highlight the date, pre-drawing to-do boxes underneath. With my laptop booting up, I plug into my monitor and get ready to read-up on emails.
9.30 AM
It’s pre-client meetings with the internal team, I call in with the manager and debrief on the previous day, plus plan for what is ahead. I turn on the client laptop and get ready for external calls with our key stakeholders on the project. This project is all about project management, as we are helping the team prepare for a go-live in the middle of the year. We overview on slides that are being used for the Steering committee update (a meeting with all the main stakeholders in the project who are responsible for different groups and tasks). Ending the meeting slightly early, I use the remaining time to clean up the slides and make final edits prior to submission via an email.
11.00 AM
I catch-up with the client via a meeting that was scheduled the day before, chatting about progress on the current task they have been allocated. Information about when the deadlines will be met, I update the Project gnat chart via Microsoft projects. We share valuable information about what is to come, and how we can assist them with anything else they are struggling with.
12.00 PM
After finishing updates to templates, I quickly log back into the internal PC to check emails and make sure other tasks from my internal teams are tracking along. I load power bi to continue building on an MVP dashboard that will eventually be used for internal resource tracking.
12.30 PM
It’s close to lunch, but not too late for a coffee, reaching out to one of my internal colleagues, I head out to walk over to a local café that’s down the road for both of us. I feel super refreshed, sipping coffee and enjoying a short walk with my friend. Afterwards, I prepare a quick lunch, spreading some tuna on crackers and dicing some pickled vegetables, eating at the desk when calls are coming and going.
2.00 PM
I spend some time reviewing my calendar, booking in meetings, and adding to-do tasks as the day has progressed along. There are specific members of the client’s team that we are planning on engaging with in the following week, so it’s important that I prepare slide decks and clarify their allocated tasks before my team meets with the client. I get to work sourcing the correct information and identifying the best way to visualize tasks and tell a compelling story.
3.00 PM
I have a new task pop-up with my manager, allocating some time to assist with work that I am very interested in. This is an upcoming data project and requires some research and reading on the data mesh. There are so many great opportunities that come along, and I’m so fortunate for all of them!
5.00 PM
Clients from different countries and time zones means we run slightly later today, logging onto larger group meetings with the client, to update their regional office on our current project, seeing the slides I had worked on earlier in the day appear in a larger group setting is a rewarding and exciting situation as it doesn’t happen too often. I fill out my meeting minutes and do my best to use all the keyboard short-cuts when doing so, it makes life easier when typing on the go!
7.00 PM
It’s potluck night, and I got invited to a friend’s place for dinner this evening. I’m excited to get out of the house and I swap out the gym for a jog around the block. Finishing off the dish I prepared at the end of the day, I pack it up and head over to meet with my friends.