Analyst at ANZ New Zealand
Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Business at Auckland University of Technology
6.00 AM
After having hit snooze a few times, I’m generally up and out of bed around 6am. After a quick shower, I’m enjoying one of my favourite parts of the day… coffee. I’ve got into a bit of a routine with this, but every morning I make an aero press coffee with a dash of cream (and using Coffee Supreme beans of course).
7.00 AM
Depending on how motivated I’m feeling, I’m occasionally at the gym. Some of my colleagues and I are members at Les Mills gym, so we like to link up and do classes together. I’m liking the core classes at the moment but anything short and sharp is my kind of workout. After this, we head to work where we shower and head up to the floor.
8.30 AM
I begin the day by checking emails and catching up on any events or news that has happened overnight or in the past day. I try to focus on news surrounding my customers as this can often trigger review events or be a good insight into any work we have coming up. By 9 am, most of the wider team are in the office and we spend the next period catching up and talking about the latest news and sports.
9:30 AM
Having actioned any important emails or tasks, I’m usually off for coffee number two with my team. Our go to is Daily Bread but there are a number of good coffee places around the city. If I’m lucky, my morning could include a customer visit which might mean a nice breakfast or lunch but not today, it’s just coffee with the team.
10.00 AM
Each day is different, but we have great internal meetings where our economics or wider team talk about what’s happened overnight or during the past week. These generally happen in the morning and provide a great insight into what’s happening in the market or any trends and issues that our customers might be facing.
12.30 PM
Between having my second coffee and lunch, I’m generally trying to get as much work done as possible. This can range from customer requests for new debt or general report monitoring. We deal with a diverse range of tasks that requires understanding customer businesses, financial statements, and industry.
1.30 PM
As I normally don’t bring lunch from home, I’m often off to Commercial Bay to grab something to eat. As a team, we normally eat lunch together and during Summer we like to eat outside in the park. Getting a bit of fresh air at lunch time is always important, however this has been hard given the Winter we’ve had!
2.30 PM
Time to meet with my credit approvers and discuss our current work. These meetings are very productive and highlight the key issues and justifications behind the submission. It’s a good time to get initial thoughts and any other information they want to see in the final submission.
3.00 PM
Having amended my submission, it is now in the pipeline and awaiting credit approval. I’ll wait to hear back on this but in the meantime it’s time to get to some of my core monitoring tasks completed. Given many of my customers are releasing annual financials, it’s a busy time. One of our monitoring tasks is to spread a customer’s financials into our internal models and assess their credit rating.
5.00 PM
As I wrap up my monitoring tasks, I catch up on any emails that I may have missed during the day and get ready to go home. Normally, this involves getting prepared for the day ahead. As an Analyst, I look after a number of customers, and I can have a number of credit applications or monitoring requirements going on at one time. Making sure we stay on top of this while being ready for any urgent request is important and doing a final review can help get ready for the next.
6.30 PM
Generally, I’m home before 6.30 pm and cooking dinner. Unfortunately, it’s Winter so not much is happening other than catching up on some TV.