Updating Results

Attorney-General's Department (AGD)

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Gareth Ogilvie

The AGD Graduate Program has provided me with the opportunity to engage with a broad range of policy and legal areas across the Commonwealth.

My graduate rotations in AGD were in the Family Law Branch (Children and Parentage), the Human Rights Unit, and the Significant Legal Issues Team of the Office of Legal Coordination. 

I am an active member of AGD’s Indigenous Employee Network, have assisted in developing AGD’s new two-year Reconciliation Action Plan, and the department is supportive of my ongoing involvement within the ACT Law Society.

The AGD Graduate Program has provided me with the opportunity to engage with a broad range of policy and legal areas across the Commonwealth. The program has given me great experience, particularly as I prepare to transition to my permanent placement as a Legal Officer in AGD once the graduate program finishes.