Engineer, Integrated Transport & Mobility at Aurecon NZ
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) at University of Auckland
Lupesina Koro is a Transport Engineer, who interned at Aurecon for a few summers before joining the company as a full-time graduate last year as part of the Integrated Transport & Mobility (ITM) team.
Being part of the ITM team allowed Lupesina to refine different skills across different stages of the project lifecycle.
Her biggest highlight was joining Limelight, Aurecon's early career programme, where she developed new skills in communication, collaboration and networking.
How did your journey with Aurecon begin?
My internship journey began with the Integrated Transport Team (ITM) where I helped out with stakeholder engagement and traffic design. In my final year of university, I switched to the Project Management & Project Controls team overlooking project financials.
As a graduate, I rejoined the ITM team and started to work on developing a transport strategy, and understanding what is required to ensure that the opening of a new transport corridor is seamless and maintains a legible network.
Since joining the company full-time, I’ve been able to build and refine my skills in business case development. This involves justifying the need for a particular transport investment, evaluating different solutions and eventually making a recommendation to the client. I have enjoyed my time so far – particularly when the project team are working towards a shared vision!
What inspired you to pursue engineering?
In year 11, a representative from the University of Auckland visited my school to talk to my science class about pursuing engineering as a career.
The university prospectus we received contained hardly any female engineers, and it featured even fewer (if any) Pasefika female engineering students. I wanted to change this – I didn’t mind doing calculus or physics at school, so I decided in year 11 to pursue engineering at university. I feel so proud to see more Pasefika female students studying engineering every year.
What has been the highlight of the graduate programme?
No amount of group assignments at university can prepare you for the collaboration, teamwork and communication required in the workforce. My highlight is the opportunity to grow in these areas through my involvement with project teams but also within the wider business, specifically Aurecon’s Limelight Network.
My commitment to Aurecon's Auckland Limelight Committee has given me the opportunity to develop my soft skills. Limelight is a network for early career professionals at Aurecon that offers a unique opportunity for us to learn and connect with each other. Committees across Australia and New Zealand are run by early career professionals to plan and create events for career development and networking outside of our primary roles.
Being on the committee, I’ve had the opportunity to work with many different people from diverse fields across Aurecon which helped me learn more about the business. I became the Auckland Limelight Chair in July 2022, and it has further expanded my network and grown my confidence to connect with people.
What advice would you give to someone thinking about applying for our graduate programme?
Don’t overthink. Just apply and see where it takes you. Always have the audacity to back yourself 100 per cent, embrace the fear and join us.