The company has a good structure and hierarchy where staff at differing levels are comfortable so and encouraged to communicate freely to whomever it is they need/wish to communicate with. culture goes hand-in-hand with teamwork - some teams work really well and pitch in when they have capacity, other teams you are left solo and to your own devices. socialising between grad-groups is common and a good experience. there isn't much socialising outside of this however.
Experienced, Canberra - 28 Oct 2021
I think the anao has a particular work culture that either suits your personal working style or doesn't. there is heavy emphasis on getting the small details correct. this can be stressful at times, unless your own personality is very detail-oriented. the organisation is therefore full of very analytical and introverted staff who tend to be a bit perfectionist -- which, again, is fine if it suits your working style, but can be stifling if not.
Midlevel, Canberra - 28 Oct 2021
One strong benefit of the anao for younger grads is that the workforce is predominately quite young - opportunity for socialisation with staff of a similar age and life experience, especially useful for those moving to canberra for the first time.
Experienced, Canberra - 28 Oct 2021
Small agency so there is a lot of access to executives, you feel very supported. there isn't much socialising amongst colleagues
Midlevel, Canberra - 28 Oct 2021
Structure and hierarchy is supportive of junior staff and there is good connection up and down the hierarchy. cooperation and teamwork is moderate, most connection between teams is overly formalised. socialisation is limited to segments of somewhat social-able individuals.
Midlevel, Canberra - 28 Oct 2021
You work closely in very small teams to write one report over 10 months.
Midlevel, Canberra - 27 Oct 2021
The culture is good with regard to the office values and purpose. i don't think the culture is good with regard to office-wide learning, reflection and improvement.
Midlevel, Canberra - 11 Sep 2021
Hierarchical management style can be obstructive, poor communication from some middle management regarding expectations, support and coaching of junior staff, good training offered
Midlevel, Canberra - 11 Mar 2021
Very inviting culture as you will most likely find a group of people who are similar to you, because it is so diverse. most people are willing to socialise in and out of work, creating genuine friendships beyond a work context.
Midlevel, Canberra - 11 Feb 2021
Generally cooperative, but quite introverted and siloed.
Midlevel, Canberra - 11 Jan 2021
The culture is very supportive with lots of teamwork, being in a team environment.
Experienced, Canberra - 11 Jan 2021
I think the culture varies across the office. some areas seem to be excepted to work long hours and weekends at certain periods of the year. other areas are much more relaxed and social. i have never been expected to work additional hours and my supervisors have always been flexible with allowing me to take leave when i want/need to.
Midlevel, Canberra - 27 Jul 2016
Very supportive culture. we have more women in our workplace then we do men. we tick every box in terms of cultural diversity as well!
Graduate, Canberra - 26 Jul 2016
A good emphasis on finding a work-life balance, very understanding of family commitments. most graduates are part of the same wider social network. small teams seem to cooperate well even when staff are moved around mid-project.
Graduate, Canberra - 26 Jul 2016
During office hours, the anao is a collegiate place of work with peaceful, calm work spaces, populated by respectful and tolerant individuals. teams are focused, knowledgeable and diverse.
Graduate, Canberra - 26 Jul 2016
There is a very supportive workplace culture and the organisation is relatively non-hierarchical. the executive is easy to access and there is a culture of willingness to share knowledge and contribute to different areas/projects where needed. the organisation is guided by strong leadership which motivates me to perform well.
Graduate, Canberra - 26 Jul 2016
Fantastic teamwork within the organisation, everyone supports each other. being a small organisation, it allows us to be more familiar with superiors.
Graduate, Canberra - 25 Jul 2016
Professional culture, very friendly, perhaps slightly archaic.
Graduate, Canberra - 25 Jul 2016
Good culture within the office during work hours, all colleagues are extremely dedicated and i have had a great experience with team work based on my current assignment. after work hours i have a good social life with the other grads in my year.
Graduate, Canberra - 09 Jan 2016