Great location
Midlevel, Canberra - 28 Oct 2021
Our office space, location and facilities are very nice. the building tends to leak if it rains, but that's probably a building owner issue, rather than the anao's issue. facilities are decent, including two spacious kitchens and good end-of-trip facilities. dress code is usually business casual; those who are going to meet auditees or have meetings with the executive may dress a little more formally, and those who are not client-facing may dress a little less formally. we have unofficial dress-down fridays on the last friday of every month, although not a lot of people participate.
Midlevel, Canberra - 28 Oct 2021
Mostly central location in barton is good. hotdesking, office building itself is less good. dress code tends more professional than other offices i think.
Experienced, Canberra - 28 Oct 2021
The office itself nice and modern, downside is no assigned desks and therefore you usually don't sit with your team. i, and i think most people, dress up or down depending on what they are doing - i.e. suits when meeting executives, smart casual when at the desk all day.
Midlevel, Canberra - 11 Sep 2021
Dress code is formal, as there is a lot of external contact. office space is clean, location is reasonable, staff parking spaces are available albeit somewhat limited and lockers available for public transport or bike commuters.
Midlevel, Canberra - 11 Mar 2021
Very clean, modern and nice office spaces. dress code could be a little more formal, especially when we are coming face-to-face with clients more. this starts at the top with executives and seniors.
Midlevel, Canberra - 11 Feb 2021
The dress code is business attire, with a new office that we have just moved in which is zoned for different work styles.
Experienced, Canberra - 11 Jan 2021
The building is quite old so the bathrooms aren't very pleasant. we have free tea, coffee and milk in the kitchens which is nice.
Midlevel, Canberra - 27 Jul 2016
Office fit out, facilities and location are all pretty good. dress code is smart business, although we do get a casual friday every once and a while!
Graduate, Canberra - 26 Jul 2016
Offices are easily accessible by public transport. parking is available, but slightly competitive. offices are clean and well-lit, tea rooms are usually well-stocked and supplies are decent quality, and there is enough stationary provided. dress code is appropriate and easy to follow - it would be nice to have some written guidelines, but no-one seems to have any issues adhering to unwritten rules.
Graduate, Canberra - 26 Jul 2016
Heating is inadequate.
Graduate, Canberra - 26 Jul 2016
Dress code standard is quite high. everyone has adjustable stand/sit desks and any other hardware we need to assist us, is readily available.
Graduate, Canberra - 25 Jul 2016
Open plan for junior /intermediate staff . offices for senior staff. formal business attire. guys can dress without ties in the office.(when they have no client contact)
Graduate, Canberra - 09 May 2016
The office space is suitable. i haven't worked in many offices so i'm not sure what to compare it against. the dress code is very professional.
Graduate, Canberra - 09 Jan 2016