Updating Results

Steph Sumich

Associate at Azure Capital

Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting/Finance) at The University of Western Australia (UWA)

As the Associate, my tasks typically include a range of ad hoc analytical analysis, valuation or modelling work and research tasks.

What is your role/position and what do you do?

I am an Associate within a 25-person team at Azure Capital. We are a Perth-based corporate advisory firm so my role as an Associate varies depending on the project and work we are engaged to do. We usually break into 2 – 3 person teams for each project and within that team, you would have a Partner, Manager and Associate. As the Associate, my tasks typically include a range of ad hoc analytical analysis, valuation or modelling work and research tasks. 

Can you describe a typical workday?

On a typical day, my morning will start by catching up on the overnight news and reading any relevant company announcements from the 10 – 20 companies I follow. After that, my day will vary depending on the project I am working on. Some typical things I can spend my day doing include various meetings, analysis, research or general project management tasks.

Which three pieces of advice would you give to a current university student?

  1. Be proactive and take initiative – that could mean asking for extra help in a unit or attending a careers function to learn more about different opportunities.
  2. Step outside of your comfort zone – go on exchange, join clubs and attend events on your own.
  3. Enjoy the experience – University is an exciting period of your life that comes and goes way too fast! Make sure you enjoy it!

What advice would you give to someone starting out in a similar role?

Listen and absorb as much information as you can. Someone once told me that in first few years of work you should just be a “sponge” – that is one of the better pieces of advice I have received.