We have a good recycling program but beyond this I am not sure.
Graduate, Melbourne - 10 Sep 2024
I am not aware of sustainability efforts.
Associate, Melbourne - 03 Sep 2024
Environmental sustainability is a key priority for the firm, not only as a source of work but also to reduce our internal impact upon the planet. The firm collaborates with our office management to maintain sorted recycling facilities around the offices. Lights and devices shut off relatively early (from 7PM) to reduce energy.
Graduate, Sydney - 18 May 2023
I know it's on the agenda but I'm not too sure how it gets done.
Graduate, Sydney - 15 May 2023
Staff are strongly encouraged to avoid using disposable cups in the in-house cafe and waste is sorted into recycling, organics and dry waste.
Graduate, Sydney - 12 May 2023
As noted above, the Firm is a signatory to the UN Global Compact, so places a strong emphasis on this.
Midlevel, Melbourne - 20 May 2021
Unsure really. Would be interesting to know more in this space E.g.., air conditioning, fridges, dishwasher use, efficiency of the recycling / rubbish bins and how this is processed (E.g.., actually put in separate bins, or does it all go into the same tip / rubbish truck). Otherwise, have sensor lights, plants, lots of recycling/dry waste/food waste bins, no bins at our desks.
Graduate, Sydney - 12 May 2021
While strategies exist in this space, I myself am not fully across them or the practices we undertake. With that said, there is a strong emphasis on recycling. As always, more could be done to push this message out to the wider firm and legal industry.
Graduate, Sydney - 11 May 2021
The building that Baker McKenzie sits in has won many awards for its environmental sustainability.
Midlevel, Sydney - 11 May 2021