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Luca Mosole

Site Engineer at BMD

Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Commerce at Curtin University

Luca Mosole completed his Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Commerce at Curtin University in 2022 and is now a Graduate Engineer with BMD in Western Australia. No two days are ever the same in his role, and the following profile provides a general snapshot of what his day may involve.

4.30 AM

Wake up and head off for a run or go to the gym.

5.30 AM

Get back home and start making breakfast. Breakfast is always 2x Weet-Bix with muesli, a banana, honey and yoghurt.

5.45 AM

Have a shower, get changed into my work uniform, and pack my bag, laptop, and work phone, making sure I’m ready for the day ahead.

6.00 AM

Leave home for work at 6 am on the dot every day. Traffic is very light in the morning, so it’s an easy, straight run into work.

6.35 AM

Arrive at work, grab my work boots from the boot of my car and put them on outside (driving in socks and slides keeps the inside of the car clean and prevents dust from getting everywhere in the car).

6.45 AM

Prestart with the site supervisor, listening to what works will be undertaken by the subcontractors and what deliveries are going to be made.

7.00 AM

Make a coffee (double shot, long black) to kickstart the day. Read through my diary, emails and take notes to make sure I’m across what jobs we have pre-planned for the day.

7.30 AM

Respond to initial emails that are pending immediate replies and flag others that cannot be responded to right away.


8.00 AM

Input dockets from the previous day’s work and transfer data to relevant tracking spreadsheets. Creating tracking spreadsheets allows the team and I to understand what productivity we are achieving on site. I will also respond to any emails I have previously flagged, responding to the most important ones first.

9.00 AM

Currently, my work area is broken up into three sites: east, west, and median. I will do the rounds at each of these sites. Currently, on the western site, a drainage line is being placed, and the bedding for the pipes will need to be foundation tested. I will make note of this, and when I head back to the office, I will book in the foundation test. Although there is no work currently occurring on the eastern site, I will still head there to inspect and ensure nothing out of the ordinary has occurred.


9.30 AM

Smoko time. I bring a mix of almonds and muesli from home and mix this with a small tub of yoghurt at work. This will fill me up until it comes time to eat lunch later in the day.

9.45 AM

I have an inspection at a paint yard to ensure the prep and paint being applied to the steel elements used on the project is as per the project specifications. The project I am working on is the installation of a steel arch footbridge. The steel elements making up this bridge are prepped and painted requiring inspections to ensure the correct colour and consistency of paint are being applied to the elements.

10.00 AM

Arrive at the paint yard, ready to inspect the painted elements. For this, I will bring with me the ‘painting inspection test plan (ITP)’ so I can refresh my knowledge on what quality standards the painted elements should be upholding. If the elements are a specific colour, I may also have a colour chart on hand to ensure the paint is the right colour.


10.45 AM

Inspection at the paint yard is now complete, and it’s time to drive back to the site.

11.00 AM

Arrive back at site from paint yard. Prepare for a concrete pour happening on-site at midday. Today will be a smaller pour of 6.8m3, meaning only one truck will be delivered. Before a pour happens, it is of high importance the reinforcement and cast-in elements are inspected to ensure they are as per the design drawings. This element has been inspected previously by the client and myself, however, I will once again look at the reinforcement to ensure nothing has been missed.


12.00 PM

The first and only concrete truck arrives on site. This truck will be slump tested, and testing cylinders will be taken on days seven and 28  to compare compressive strengths. A concrete tester will complete the slump test, this is done prior to any concrete being poured to ensure the concrete quality and consistency are as per project specifications. Once the test is complete and the concrete is signed off, the pour begins.


1.00 PM

Concrete pour is completed. I will then walk around site making sure works are still performing ok and talk to a few of the subcontractors to make sure they are undertaking works correctly.


2.00 PM

I will head back to the office and have my lunch.

2.30 PM

Back on the computer, I will smash out any more quality work that needs to be completed, order any items that we need for site, submit any requests for information (RFIs) that the team requires, and send off any emails that need responding to.

4.30 PM

For the delivered steel elements that were washed and touched up with paint earlier in the day, I will head outside and make sure the touch ups are ok and blend into the rest of the colour of the painted steel.


5.00 PM

From here, I will start winding down for the day. I am writing in my diary any items that I could not complete today and refreshing my memory on any upcoming items for the next few days. This allows me to constantly be on top of any upcoming events and things happening on site or which need prior planning.

5.15 PM

It's time to leave work and make the commute home. I usually call a friend or family member to pass the time, making the commute go more quickly. It is also a great way to stay in touch with people.

6.00 PM

Arrive home where I’ll unpack my bag, lunchbox and get changed into more casual clothes.

6.10 PM

Take the dog for a walk around the block or go for a swim at the beach if the weather is still warm.


6.45 PM


7.00 PM

Eat dinner with the family.

7.30 PM

Start making lunchbox for the next day, usually leftovers from the night before. Relax by watching some TV or playing with the dog.

8.30 PM

Start getting ready for bed by brushing your teeth and getting into bed. Finally, fall asleep, ready for the next morning’s workout and the workday ahead.

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