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Capgemini Australia and New Zealand

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Shannon D’Souza

Bachelors of Business Management / Arts at The University of Queensland (UQ)

One of the most exciting things about working for Capgemini has been the abundance of available resources for upskilling.

5.30 AM

Alarm goes off, signalling the start of at least 10 minutes of me questioning why I’m awake at this ungodly hour. Eventually, I’ll rush out the door, for my gym class.

6.00 - 6.30 AM

Be completely shown up by a 73-year-old woman, in my Hard Core class. After a quick chat about how her grandkids are, I’ll head straight home. I use the drive to start running through my daily to-do list & goals, for work.

7.00 - 8.30 AM

Squeeze in extra cardio by running around to pack my lunch, and get ready to leave for work.

8.30 - 9.00 AM

Drive straight to the client site; partially wondering how some people attained their driver's license, and partially paying attention to my mother, on the phone.

9.00 AM

Start my day by checking for urgent emails, and any planned meetings. Once the team has arrived & settled in, we head across to the main building for our morning coffee fix. This also means the day always starts with a good laugh and some fresh air.

Shannon checking emails

9.30 AM

If there are no urgent updates for the client, I continue building the KPI Analysis tool that I’ve been working on. This involves manually double-checking the data quality, and using client resources to build visual reports for Regional Analysts.

10.30 AM

When required, I’ll touch base with key team members, to confirm how the data should be flowing through; from the source systems to our database, and then into my reports. Working with the Support team, we go through some random KPIs to make sure calculations have been automated properly. This goes back and forth for a while, as we all review the data and iterate the calculations, but we can breathe a sigh of relief once we confirm it’s all working smoothly!

Shannon in a meeting

12.00 PM

The team shares a look of hunger, and we head across to the main building for lunch. As an avid meal prepper, I usually bring my lunch in, but the client’s cafeteria provides plenty of options when I forget. Even if I’ve brought my lunch, I cannot resist the freshly prepared, build-your-own Poke Bowl bar! Lunchtime is the ultimate break time for the team; very rarely do we discuss work, instead preferring to contemplate questions like “What item would you want unlimited access to for life (can’t be money)?”, and “How viable would it be to send the Earth’s rubbish, to the sun?”. This usually results in many exasperated looks from our manager, but he does also provide answers.

Shannon having a break

1.00 PM

I head back to my desk, to make sure I’m prepared for my afternoon meetings. I’ll be presenting my tool to some of the Regional Analysts, so I start by going over my previous meeting notes and making sure I’ve addressed their earlier concerns. I’ll make some final changes to the dashboards/reports, and make sure the data is refreshed.

2.00 PM

I run through the updates with the Regional Analysts via Skype; they’re happy with the progress I’ve made, but they’re keen to get their own hands on the tool. As one of our priorities is user experience, I spend time going through how it could best make their lives easier. After that, I’ll demonstrate some basic functions, and get their feedback, for the next iteration. The objective is for us to workshop over the next month, so we plan our next meeting and confirm action points.

3.00 PM

I sit down with the client’s manager, who oversees our project team and engagement, to an update, from my earlier meeting, and ensure that we’re all still aligned. He’ll often share valuable strategic insight, and we’ll plan the next steps to make sure we stay on track for a smooth delivery.

3.30 PM

I take a break with some teammates; if it’s sunny enough, we’ll walk to a café down the street for an afternoon coffee. It’s another good chance for us to unwind a bit, and I’ll also use this opportunity to update my Manager on how my work is progressing.

Shannon having a team break

4.00 PM

I tend to wrap up the day, by reviewing my to-do list & updating it for the next day. After double-checking my Capgemini email, I realise I’ve got an article due for our GradCapture Newsletter. Popping in my headphones, I’ll smash the article out and send it through for review. If I can, I’ll also spend some time working through technical training. As I don’t have a background in I.T. or Data Science, one of the most exciting things about working for Capgemini has been the abundance of available resources for upskilling. My manager has also been very helpful, in guiding me towards interesting certifications that will be most useful to our clients.

5.30 PM

I’ll leave the client site and head over to the weekly, netball game that a group of graduates have signed up for! We’ll grab a light dinner beforehand, and have a chat about how our different projects are going; it gives us an opportunity to learn from each other’s experiences.

Shannon leaving the office

6.30 PM

I’d like to say the game is usually relaxed, but some of us do get a bit competitive. Overall, though, we generally have a good laugh together, and it’s a great way to start the week!

7.30 PM

I’ll head home, dropping off a couple of graduates along the way. I’m already looking forward to unwinding!

8.30 PM

After a quick shower & catch up with my housemate, I’ll grab a snack and settle in with some Netflix.

10.00 PM

Two episodes of Peaky Blinders’ later, I’m ready to crash. I double check my alarm is set for the next day, and waste 30 minutes on Facebook before finally dozing off.