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Capgemini Philippines

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  • 50,000 - 100,000 employees

Jan Maghirang

Senior Analyst/Software Engineer at Capgemini Philippines

Bachelor of Computer Science at De La Salle University

The joy that we bring to our clients and the comfort and support we give to our colleagues.

What's your job about?

Capgemini is a world leader in transforming business through a human-centred approach to technology. As part of Capgemini’s graduate program, it is our responsibility to embody Capgemini’s Vision and Mission through consistent learning, communication, and collaboration. It is when I joined my first project in Capgemini, where I was immediately introduced to work with industry experts, and like-minded individuals around the globe, that made me realize the importance of these three attributes in the success of an organization. Not only has it shaped my idea of success, but it also helped my personal development and growth.

What's your background?

It all started with Nintendo Gameboy, then it was the iPhone, then computers, and now the cloud. Growing up in the digital era, technology has always been a huge part of my life. What I’ve learned through the years is that you can always rely on technology to be there for you. That technology has always been created for good and that it has done wonders to everyone in the world. But what I learned from joining Capgemini is that technology is only as good as the people who drive them. This is why I have come to love the work that I do. From playing games with friends to sending emojis to sharing notes and files for homework and now working with teams of people around the globe. My life story is about my relationships. And it is through the ever-changing technology that I have made meaningful relationships around the world.

Could someone with a different background do your job?

Of Course! All it takes is an open mind and the willingness to learn. We all start at some point, the important thing is to start and be consistent. We all get better eventually.

What's the coolest thing about your job?

As I have mentioned before, to me, it’s all about relationships. I have worked on different roles and different tasks on the same project. Sometimes it could get confusing and frustrating, sometimes it goes smoothly well. Some days I get excited when an opportunity comes up, some days I get bored doing the same stuff for days. But at the end of the day, I will always enjoy the company of the people I work with. The joy that we bring to our clients and the comfort and support we give to our colleagues.

What are the limitations of your job?

With ‘collaboration’ being Capgemini’s central way of doing business, probably one of the hardest parts of doing the job would be the people who are difficult to work with. People who are stubborn, complainers, know-it-alls, etc. We all get to encounter people like these at some point in our lives and it can be us sometimes. It’s good to be reminded of one of Capgemini’s core values. Modesty, in relation to others and our approach to issues.

3 pieces of advice for yourself when you were a student...

  • Always be yourself - Own your ideas, and don’t be afraid to share them with the world.
  • Never take an opportunity for granted – life is too short to miss out on once-in-a-lifetime opportunities, no matter how silly it is.
  • Stay true to your virtues - Character always speaks louder than words.