E-Commerce Graduate at Coles
Bachelor of Communication Design at Monash University
7.00 AM
Beep. Beep. Snooze. Every morning my alarm goes off at 7.05 AM and I eventually get up and get ready for my day (I am not a morning person!). For breakfast, I make some poached eggs on toast and a mug of English Breakfast tea. I jump on my bike and I am ready for my 20-minute leisurely bike ride on the Gardiner Creek Trail to work.
8.00 AM
I arrive at work and head down to the Coles gym where I have a shower and get ready. I make my way to the Coles Hub (atrium) where I buy a skinny latte extra hot (I am one of those people!) and catch up with a colleague.
8.30 AM
Working as a Digital Analyst in MarTech (Marketing Technology), my job is to make difficult processes easier, measure the impact of marketing activities, and drive more efficient spending. I use data to understand what our customers are doing online so that I can tailor and create enhanced experiences. In the morning I read and sort my emails and create tickets in Jira (agile project management and bug tracking tool) with tasks. I like to use this time to prioritise my workload and set myself up for the day.
9.00 AM
I have my first meeting for the day where I update my stakeholders about their channel’s performance. I have created a ‘self-service’ dashboard in Adobe Analytics that provides real-time data. I like to use this time to gather requirements for further dashboard enhancements.
10.00 AM
I get back to my desk and go on Jira so that I can move the tickets I completed yesterday into done and start prioritising what I need to do. I decided to work on updating a stakeholder dashboard with their upcoming campaign so we can have it ready when it goes live. I use Jabber (internal messenger) when creating these workspaces so that I can confirm with the stakeholder that I am including all the relevant metrics they report on.
12.00 PM
Lunchtime! and I am hungry! I typically meal prep and bring my lunch from home, but today I felt indulgent. I head down to the Hub (food court) where I grab a salad from Courtney Roulston (Season 2 MasterChef finalist). I then go and join the other grads outside in the courtyard where we talk about upcoming music festivals and holidays.
1.00 PM
After lunch, I have another stakeholder meeting where I provide updates on how different segments of customers are using the website. I provide flow visualisations, funnels, and fallouts to demonstrate processes and pages that are performing well and where opportunities can be found.
2.00 PM
Now it's time for our weekly Work-in-Progress meeting. As a team, we go through what we have achieved, what we learnt, and what we could do to improve from the previous week. We also look at all our Jira tickets so that we can allocate resources and understand our team’s capacity. This session sets our team up for success as it helps prioritise our workloads and keeps us informed about what everyone is doing.
3.00 PM
I saw an email from the sensory booth that is looking for 20 people to sample gingerbread houses. I walk (run) to the test kitchens and do a blind tasting of 3 different gingerbread houses where I complete an online survey.
3.30 PM
I get back to my desk where I start actioning tasks. I send an email to a stakeholder with commentary from Hotjar (heat mapping tool). I also created a Confluence page that documents the requirements for tagging a campaign and continue to monitor the performance of multiple websites.
5.00 PM
Home time! I make my way back to the gym changing rooms and get ready for my ride home. I always enjoy cycling home (particularly in spring when the weather is good) as it allows me to relax and switch off from work.
6.00 PM
I have nothing to eat at my house, so I walk with my partner to our local Coles supermarket where we pick up some sausages and salad for dinner. We head to the park where we have a BBQ and kick the footy.
7.30 PM
It’s Amazing Race time! I relax on the couches with my partner and housemate and drink some Camomile tea.
10.30 PM