My team is very diverse, but I don't think I can say the same with other teams.
Graduate, Wellington - 07 Nov 2023
There are always events and initiatives happening. It also seems like the Auckland office is very diverse.
Graduate, Auckland - 06 Nov 2023
The team is fairly diverse, although certain sections of teams often aren't.
Graduate, Auckland - 06 Nov 2023
Active Pride, Neurodiversity groups - and probably lots more I don't know about.
Graduate, Christchurch - 08 Oct 2023
something about diversity is strong
Graduate, Auckland - 04 Oct 2023
I can tell that Datacom really try to put in the effort, but I don't think it's being done well in a co-deisgn manner, more just coming from the top-down. If diverse people are hired, they are leaving soon after as the true Datacom experience isn't what they thought of hoped.
Graduate, Christchurch - 04 Oct 2023