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Exponential Trading

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Celeste Chai

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) at Macquarie University

We have a great working relationship; we work and communicate well under pressure which is very important during trading.

8.00 AM

Rise and shine. My market opens an hour later during daylight savings, so I get to sleep this morning. After washing up, I take my dogs for a morning walk. During this time, I get to catch up on overnight market events and read up on interesting news articles. At around 9.30 AM, I start heading to work.

Exponential Trading Graduate Celeste Chai. Two dogs with leashes.

10.00 AM

I get into work at around 10.00 AM. I make myself a coffee and grab a quick breakfast from the kitchen before heading back to my desk to prepare for trading. My co-trader and I discuss overnight market activities, our expectations for the day, and what our trading responsibilities will be. We have a great working relationship; we work and communicate well under pressure which is very important during trading. We would also have a quick chat with other desks to get an insight into their market activity and how it might propagate into our market.

Exponential Trading Graduate- Young professional making coffee at the kitchen..

11.00 AM

The market opens at 11.00 AM, and this is usually the busiest time for us as the desk becomes very noisy. Besides trade sounds alerting us of market activities, my co-trader and I are also continually communicating about our trades, market observations and adjustments to trading parameters.

Exponential Trading Graduate- Traders working on their desks.

12.00 PM

Lunchtime. We have an in-house chef who prepares delicious meals for us daily. As there are two of us on the desk, we take turns getting lunch and eating at our desks.

Exponential Trading Graduate- Two women eating their lunch happily.

1.00 PM

Market conditions can vary during this time. If conditions remain busy and volatile, I’ll be proactively watching the screen and trading. However, if conditions have slowed down, my co-traders and I will be working on our side projects in Python. This can vary from data analysis for new trading opportunities to process automation.

Exponential Trading Graduate- Traders having their progress meeting.

6.00 PM

Market closes, and it’s time to wrap up the day. My co-trader and I split the responsibilities to do administrative tasks and produce daily reports. This process also gives us a chance to reflect on the day’s trading and exciting trading opportunities. If we finish up early, I’ll get to squeeze in a couple of table tennis hits.

Exponential Trading Graduate- Young lady playing table tennis.

7.00 PM

After work, I head off to Muay Thai with our chef. These sessions are a great workout after a whole day of sitting at my desk and can be very cathartic and relaxing. I head home afterward to take my dogs out for an evening walk. Eventually, I’ll make myself some dinner and catch up on some TV before turning in.