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EY New Zealand

  • > 100,000 employees

Training & Personal Development at EY New Zealand

7.5 rating for Training, based on 36 reviews
Please describe the training programmes at your company and tell us what skills you've picked up.
There are always courses being offered and a lot offered on our training platform, however, theyre quite hard to find on your own. In your spare time, you are meant to do L&D that you would like to complete but how should we know what is offered?
Graduate, Auckland - 09 Sep 2024
We had original welcome training to the company with other service lines and then audit specific training. Was more a procedure they have to do because a lot of the learning is done in a practical sense on the job.
Graduate, Wellington - 06 Sep 2024
Little training, but helpful teammates during work procedures regardless.
Graduate, Wellington - 06 Sep 2024
I feel there has been little training, and in the wrong areas. The consulting training week is approaching, so my opinion may change, but feel it is too little and too late given we have been here for 6 months now.
Graduate, Auckland - 30 Aug 2024
The training was good. Most of it was done on the job though as opposed to in the trainings provided
Consultant, Auckland - 30 Aug 2024
Lots of in-depth WBLs and other various online learnings available at EY to progress your development
Consultant, Wellington - 30 Aug 2024
I think it wasn't sufficient to prepare us for work. And seniors are often too busy / sometimes also confused to properly train us for the task.
Graduate, Auckland - 27 Aug 2024
We have obviously on the job training with our seniors who are probably the best way to learn things about the job IMO, but we also have regular "back 2 basics" session and bite-sized learnings. Also rank level trainings which occur regularly also.
Graduate, Wellington - 26 Aug 2024
The training programs are too general, not really useful. You will know what is really going on when you start the engagement.
Graduate, Auckland - 23 Aug 2024
We did a training week at the start which is standard. Most impressed with our online learnings platform where if you don't have client work you can do e-learnings. They have also got a thing called 'badges' where certain learnings are grouped in about 15 hour slots and you can achieve a badge which can help you get onto more projects as you become experts in the fields.
Graduate, Auckland - 20 Aug 2024
I didn't receive any formal training at EY
Midlevel, Auckland - 21 Dec 2021
EYCC program helped me to think logically
Graduate, Wellington - 21 Dec 2021
Definitely could do better in the training department. We often get rushed onto jobs and then training takes a backseat.
Midlevel, Auckland - 21 Dec 2021
Lots of opportunities for training but not always enough spare time to actually complete training
Graduate, Wellington - 21 Dec 2021
Lots of good formal training programmes across a wide range of subjects and you can just do what you're interested in, and you must do at least one programme per year. Most of the reward (team) specific training is informal and on the job, though efforts have been made to formalise and standardise this more.
Graduate, Auckland - 29 Nov 2021
Internal and external training - EY pays for external courses and memberships.
Graduate, Auckland - 20 Sep 2021
We have training frequently enough and if you ever need help there are always people willing to help
Midlevel, Hamilton - 12 Jul 2019
Pretty good! We have access to online training modules we can access in our own time. We are also encouraged to do at least 20 hours of training each year.
Graduate, Auckland - 12 Jul 2019
Training occurs a few times a year for each year group. There are also additional "optional" trainings available in the mornings. The expectations for this can be miscommunicated as they are advertised as optional, but some managers aren't happy with some of the turnout. This is quite unfair seeing as we are not being paid for the time being put in to these optional trainings and they are held outside of work hours.
Midlevel, Auckland - 05 Jul 2019
Working on CA qualification
Graduate, Auckland - 03 Jul 2019