Analyst at FNZ
Bachelor of Engineering Science at University of Auckland
5.55 AM
I wake up bright and early every day. I found that the key to be a morning person is to make my morning routine as simple as possible by preparing for the day the night before. This way I can easily jump out of bed and get out of the door as soon as possible. After turning off my alarm I would wash up, get dressed into my gym gear and grab my packed food from the fridge.
6.20 AM
I am guilty of taking the easy way out and driving into work as opposed to taking the public transport, especially during the cold winter months. I leave my home at around 6.20 AM to avoid traffic and it takes me approximately 20 minutes to arrive in Wellington CBD. During my drive, I take the time to listen to a podcast. My podcast of choice fluctuates between mysterious murders to world news to girl talk.
6.45 AM
I park my car and take a nice morning stroll to the gym. I like killing two birds with one stone by checking my messages from the night before or planning my workout in my head.
7.00 AM
I do weight training most days of the week, rotating between upper and lower-body workouts. Today however I decided to run 5 km and round it off with some stretches. I am a terrible runner and could never run more than 1km, but I have made a goal to simply not be a terrible runner. My gym session is probably my favourite part of the day because it’s allocated time for just myself. I train for about an hour and after that, I would get ready for the day at the gym.
8.30 AM
The office is about a 5-minute walk from the gym and I get in at around 8.30 am. Once I settle down, I would check my calendar, emails and messages that I have missed overnight. I would plan my day by writing a list of things I need to do while eating the breakfast I packed. I am a creature of habit and would almost always have overnight oats.
10.00 AM
My daily project stand-ups are scheduled at 10.00 AM. I work in a project team of about 20 people and we are scattered across New Zealand and Australia. FNZ has flexible working arrangements so it's nice to have the option to work from home or work remotely if we choose to. Our stand-up is a time for us to update the team on our progress from the day before, share our targets for the day and raise any general concerns. After my stand-up, I have dedicated focus time to work on the items I have been assigned to.
12.30 PM
During my lunch break, I would either run some errands around town or have lunch with my friends. Today I met up with a university friend. We decided to make the most of the sunshine and have our packed lunches at a park by work. I love working in the Wellington CBD because of the convenience and how everything is a 5-minute walk away.
1.30 PM
I am back at the office by 1.30 PM, ready to knock a few things off my to-do list! Working in an agile environment, my to do list changes day to do. Some of the things I do include attending functional reviews and discussions, test planning, testing execution and collaborating closely with my teammates. It’s nice to be constantly challenged and to see a functional area of the software tested and out the door.
5.30 PM
My evenings change depending on the day of the week. I leave the office at around 5.30 pm and I would either go to Muay Thai, volunteer at Everybody Eats or have a relaxing evening at home. This specific day was a Friday, so I was heading to Muay Thai. I recently started Muay Thai and it is a great way for me to keep fit and to meet new people.
7.30 PM
I leave the Muay Thai gym at around 7.30 pm. Normally I would go home, prepare dinner and get ready for another day at work but because today was a Friday, so I met up with some friends to have dinner in town.
9.30 PM
The day has come to an end and I am finally home. I would get some housekeeping done around the house, have a shower and jump into bed. Depending on my energy levels, I would call either one of my parents to catch up with them as they live overseas before hitting the sack.