Updating Results

Suntory Oceania

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Working Hours at Suntory Oceania

8.4 rating for Working Hours, based on 13 reviews
How flexible is your company when it comes to hours?
It is very dependent on what rotation you are in and how much work is centered around the site itself. Some days you work longer or shorter days - very flexible hours depending on how much responsibilities you have
Graduate, Auckland - 12 Aug 2024
The flexibility with hours has been great, although I do find that I loose track of overtime hours I have done and don't often take the time off that I am owed. In saying that I am happy to do this as a new starter and everyone is super encouraging of creating boundaries and not working too much overtime
Graduate, Auckland - 12 Aug 2024
The flexible hours policy at Frucor is great - if you have an appointment during the day you are able to attend it and then make up the hours later on. We also have summer hours which mean if you work 40 hours before 2pm on Friday you can finish work.
Graduate, Auckland - 04 Oct 2023
Work life is extremely flexible, working from home is encouraged if possible 2x a week. It is great to also be able to set my own schedule if I need to start/finish later than usual - as long as you can manage your hours and time appropriately, work flexibility is great!
Graduate, Auckland - 03 Oct 2023
There is the expectation to complete your 40 hours of work, however you can do so when suits you. We are all in the office Tuesday and Thursday to keep the full team connection alive, and we can work from home two days a week if we like and it works in with your workload and schedule that week.
Graduate, Auckland - 03 Oct 2023
Flexible working allows you to work the hours that suit you as long as you complete your responsibilities. Sometimes I feel the workload can get a bit much depending on the team I was working with.
Graduate, Auckland - 08 Jul 2022
I work 8 hours per day, but I can choose to do most of my hours in the office and do the rest at home.
Graduate, Auckland - 07 Jul 2022
Very flexible, especially with working from home.
Graduate, Auckland - 06 Jul 2022
It is very flexible. Everyone makes sure you aren't overworking and there is lots of flexibility around the hours you choose to work.
Graduate, Auckland - 06 Jul 2022
Very flexible. As long as you are completing the work required and doing enough hours Frucor is very flexible with working from home or if you need to leave early one day for a doctors appointment etc.
Experienced, Auckland - 06 Jul 2022
Incredibly flexible. I can go for a doctors appointment or a gym session in the middle of the day and as long as I get in my required hours no one will bat an eyelid. Very flexible work from home situation and it is even common place to come in to the office for a half day to avoid peak traffic.
Midlevel, Auckland - 06 Jul 2022
Typically flexible, if I need to take a few hours out in a day it is usually fine but there are some things that aren't movable and meetings that need to be attended.
Graduate, Sydney - 05 Jul 2022