Procurement Associate IBL at GSK
Bachelor of International Business at RMIT University
7.30 AM
I reluctantly fight to urge to snooze my alarm, instead, I push myself up and begin my day. Once I am up and moving the waking up process tends to get a lot easier. I pop on some music and get myself ready for the day.
8.00 AM
I rush out of the house, with some kind of breakfast on the go in my hand and begin the drive to Abbotsford.
8.30 AM
I arrive at the office slightly early to secure a desk with a view. Following this, I scan the office for someone to accompany me to Chomp for the first coffee of the day.
9.00 AM
With a latte in hand, I head back up to the office to begin work. The first port of call is to check my calendar and do a quick scan of my emails. I then spend some time answering emails and taking note of the high-priority items for the day.
10.00 AM
As the resident report runner on the Procurement team, I then spend some time organising the reports that are due.
11.00 AM
I hop on a few calls with some of the P2P shoppers who have queries or need assistance with any of their purchasing issues.
12.00 PM
This is one of the best parts of the day when lunch comes around. With so many good food places around Abbotsford there is plenty to choose from depending on my mood. A favourite of mine is going with the Finance team to grab a Banh Mi from Victoria Street.
1.00 PM
The afternoon normally starts with some work for our National Reconciliation Committee working alongside some fellow IBLs. We try to meet for short periods regularly to ensure we maintain momentum; it is also a great opportunity to catch up with the IBLs and work on some exciting initiatives together.
2.00 PM
This tends to be when many of our overseas colleagues from the Asia region come online. So, I use this time to connect with the Singapore and Malaysia teams to work on some of our cross-functional projects and major rollouts like Ariba (our new shoppers’ interface and contracting system).
3.00 PM
As the afternoon progresses, there are always items that require more than just one brain, so I like to check in with the rest of the Procurement team at least once every day. We spend our catch up’s running through some current high-priority projects and working through the more difficult items together.
4.00 PM
As the working day draws to a close, the last hour is always busy trying to get final emails out or items closed off.
5.00 PM
I say my “Goodbyes” and “Have a nice evening” to those in the office then begin the drive back home.
5.30 PM
I do a quick turnaround once I’m home and try to head straight to Pilates before I lose motivation.
6.30 PM
I head back home and enjoy a long shower followed by a dinner with the family to catch up on the day’s antics.
7.30 PM
There is a very quick scramble to prep my bag for the next day to ensure I can maximise my sleep in. Then real wind down and relaxation begins as I either read a book or pop on a movie.
10.00 PM
Sometimes I get through two movies and other times I barely make through a page of a book before I doze off.