My team is a formation of different ethnic group people. When I go for site visits with other inspectors they always make me comfortable and teach new things everyday. Apart from worktime when we go out for a coffee we discuss and share our cultural things we follow in our country.
Graduate, Hamilton - 14 Apr 2022
There is team support
Graduate, hamilton - 13 Apr 2022
Other building review officers are very helpful whenever I ask questions and very informative. They also peer reviews my work prior to releasing. They make very good key points during the review
Graduate, Hamilton - 12 Apr 2022
My company has a big team culture and works like a spider's web. In the bigger picture it looks like one big organisation/team and then the more you zoom in there's another team, and then another team, and then another team. Often those teams are all intertwined and work alongside eachother. Just because you work in a certain area, it does not mean you won't engage with other colleagues, often you meet new people everyday and a lot of this happens on level 3 (lunch room). When you all have the same goal -Hamiltonians happiness, cooperation is very easy and it shows at HCC.
Graduate, Hamilton - 06 Apr 2022