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Holland Beckett

  • 100 - 500 employees

Ruby Bell

Law Clerk at Holland Beckett

Bachelor of Economics at University of Otago

6.00 AM        

I awake and after 5 minutes of light slumber, get my running kit on and head out the door for a run along the boardwalk in Mount Maunganui. A beautiful sunrise and the lovely ocean greet me.


7.45 AM        

My workmate picks me up and we travel to work together. There are lots of carparks around so parking is never an issue.


8.15 AM  

I indulge in my first coffee of the day and chat in the staffroom with my fellow caffeine addicts.


8.30 AM        

At my desk, the work begins. Clearing out my emails is always the first task, followed by a daily “to-do” list.

9.00 AM        

Liv (or the team’s summer clerk), Michael (another lawyer in our team) and I had a chat about a service level agreement we are working on and what steps need to be taken. I need to adjust a clause around data.


9.45 AM        

I make the adjustments to the data clause and flick it to Liv and Michael to have a look at.

10.30 AM     

The team goes out for a coffee to discuss what we are all doing, what is coming up and a general catch-up. It’s a nice day so we probably linger a bit longer than usual chatting.


11.30 AM     

Back to my desk. I am working on a due diligence report. Our client is an overseas company and they want to make an offer on investment in NZ. The report outlines key things they need to be aware of when considering their offer, including Overseas Investment Office concerns. I sit next to my supervising partner, so I can discuss a point with him quickly and he can answer questions along the way. Unsurprisingly – he is very patient.

11.50 AM     

I head down to the first floor to make my daily smoothie (with a banana from the fruit bowl Holland Beckett nicely provides).

12.00 PM     

Back to my desk to work on the due diligence report.

1.00 PM        

I go and have some lunch in the staffroom.


2.00 PM        

I am the team captain for a fishing trip competition that the firm is a part of and spend some time sorting out logistics for this.

2.30 PM                

Jess, an associate in our team, and I have a meeting with a client who has a service agreement they want us to review. The client is a big corporation and the service agreement is with another big company, so we have to be thorough and ensure that the liability clauses are not too one-sided.

3.30 PM                

I begin reviewing the above agreement and make some notes to discuss with Jess. We will then get together to discuss our concerns when she has had a chance to look too. After that meeting, I will redraft any clauses we think need to be changed.


4.15 PM                

Back to the due diligence report. I am putting most of my focus on this at the moment as it needs to be sent out to the client in a few days.


5.00 PM                

My workmate and I head off home to the Mount. I then meet my friends at the beach and go for a swim. After that, they come over for dinner on the deck so we can make the most of the sun.

9.30 PM               

I get into bed and read for a bit before going to sleep, ready for another 6 AM wake-up.

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