Intergern have a Diversity and Inclusion group that aims to constantly progress this area of the business. Here are some points I've noticed" - Of the 6 managers in my space, 4 are female and are brilliant - My team approx. 15 people and only two are from NZ originally, this is reflected across the entire company. We have people from such a diverse range of cultures - Recently updated our maternity leave policy to provide incentives for employees to both take the leave + incentive to return back when ready
Midlevel, Wellington - 24 Mar 2022
There are a few fantastic programmes and initiatives setup for diversity and inclusion, women's rising, Women in tech etc. that support and foster conversations on the topics. They hold brown bag sessions and fundraising days for a variety of causes.
Graduate, Wellington - 21 Mar 2022
As a women, although there are far more men it doesn't feel like you are treated any differently. It is definitely LGBTQ friendly
Graduate, Wellington - 15 Mar 2022