Again you have to be proactive about career opportunities. I think the advertising for the grad program made it sound like a job would be provided for you following your time in the grad program but instead it is up to you to be looking for availability within the business. Internal jobs aren't always made apparent.
Graduate, Tauranga - 16 Jun 2021
Large business with the grad program rotating you through many corner of the company.
Graduate, Mount Maunganui - 16 Jun 2021
Not sure how grads will be placed at the end of 3 years. Looking at how the current 4th year grads are on secondment, it is worrying.
Graduate, Melbourne - 16 Jun 2021
I think I will have the ability to progress in the business and advance my career. I have communicated my goals with a few people and we also have talent profiles which help HR see employees goals.
Graduate, Auckland - 16 Jun 2021