Johnstaff has a very active social environment both in the office and after hours. The company provides a number of social events and actively promotes the benefits of socialising amongst colleagues. The level of involvement in after-hours events is encouraged but up to the individual. The office environment benefits project teams as project team members communicate openly with each other.
Graduate, Melbourne - 15 Jan 2024
Johnstaff has a very inviting culture in the office and after hours. Working in such a diverse team from various disciplinary backgrounds creates a culture that encourages and promotes learning as a young professional
Graduate, Melbourne - 04 Feb 2022
I would say our company's culture is very open and welcoming. There are no specific offices except for our business unit principal. We do friday night drinks every week which is a good way to get the weekend started.
Graduate, Sydney - 17 Jan 2022
There is a great team culture here at Johnstaff. While there is a defined hierarchy on each project and within the broader team, everyone is given an opportunity to contribute their ideas & take on greater responsibility wherever possible. Each project team works closely on a day-to-day basis in a very supportive and team-focused environment with everyone willing to provide their time to assist where required. Outside of work hours, the team often socialises, whether that be at a formal work function or informally over a game of golf or basketball on a weekend.
Midlevel, Melbourne - 14 Jan 2022
All levels of management are very easily accessible and more than willing to help you in your development. Johnstaff hold many social events which keeps staff morale high and helps foster excellent teamwork within the company.
Midlevel, Sydney - 22 Dec 2021
There is basically no real divide within the people of Johnstaff, regardless of roles and hierarchy of individuals. The term everyone uses is the Johnstaff family and people really buy into it
Graduate, Sydney - 25 Jan 2021
Johnstaff is all about your work life balance. It constantly organises social events and everyone gets involved. Every Friday we get email updates on achievements during the week and every month we have a staff meeting to catch up with each other and learn about what's happening in the business. It's a great work environment because not only are we all colleagues but we're all mates who want to hang out after work too.
Graduate, Sydney - 22 Jan 2021