Billing Coordinator at Lightspeed
Bachelor of Business Administration at University of Auckland
7.00 AM
Wake up to my phone alarm and sit up on the edge of my bed with one eye open trying to find the door to my room. Then it's wash up time and ready to get back to my desk which is situated right next to my bed (work from home life).
7.30 AM
After washing up and having a couple of glasses of water, I come back to my desk and look through my Slack (Messaging program designed for the workplace) and answer any messages or questions that have been asked overnight as we have offices based all over the world. After looking through Slack I head over to emails and repeat the process. Once I am done with my Slack and Emails, I look through my calendar to see if there are any meetings I have set up for the day to prepare for.
9.30 AM
During this time I make coffee and grab some fresh air outside. After this, I am in the kitchen making some breakfast and having a chat with my mum.
10.00 AM
I get stuck into some daily checks I have. Managing third party billing there are manual audit checks every day to keep on top of our billing processes that take place at the start of each month. This requires going through our billing systems and checking subscriptions that have missed payments, canceled etc and keeping track of these while they go through our dunning process.
11.00 AM
Have a meeting with the Finance Team to discuss what we were working on this week and what we want to achieve. Also, going over upcoming events/blockers that we might come across within the next week.
12.30 PM
Head offline for lunch and depending on the day I will go out and grab something or have something from home. Usually if I eat at home it would be a couple of eggs on toast with another coffee. Today I went out to grab a quick snack from the bakery down the road with my sister.
1.30 PM
Get started on Monthly Audits for all our 3rd party billing subscriptions. For 3 of the 4 3rd party subscriptions, we take data from our billing system and create a spreadsheet breakdown for our partners to create invoices. For the other 3rd party subscription, they send us a breakdown of their invoice (up to 70K) and I audit them by going through our systems and looking into each retailer individually to make sure there are no costs missed.
4.00 PM
Meeting with the billing team to discuss any urgent news about new products, changes, couponing etc that needs to be resolved by the end of the week. Normally go over everything that we are going through that might be urgent or affect others in the team. Also, like to go over our support escalations if there are any outstanding issues.
5.00 PM
Log out for the day and head out to play some netball with the Lightspeed team.
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