Updating Results

Lockheed Martin Australia

  • > 100,000 employees

Office & Workplace at Lockheed Martin Australia

8.4 rating for Workplace, based on 17 reviews
Please comment on your company's office space, location and facilities. And while we're at it, please tell us a little about the dress code.
I was expecting defence to be all dark rooms and no windows. This isnt the case at all, theres lots of plants that are watered regularly, as well as standing desks throughout. Some offices have lots of parking and dress code ranges from smart all the way down to semi-casual, depending on the stakeholders in the office at the time.
Graduate, Adelaide - 23 Oct 2023
Very nice office spaces. smart casual to formal dress code
Graduate, Adelaide - 22 Oct 2023
Office space is very corporate, cubical style. Hard to socialize or talk to people who are not in your vicinity
Graduate, Adelaide - 18 Oct 2023
The CBD office is nice, but the Mawson Lakes office is not great at all.
Graduate, Adelaide - 18 Oct 2023
High quality facilities, although it does feel a bit sterile. Very sensible dress code.
Graduate, Adelaide - 18 Oct 2023
Low-walled cubicles for easier communication but also allows for quiet periods. Location and facilities are well-presented and secure. We have a nice kitchen with free coffee from a pod machine. Dress code is semi-formal. Men wear suit pants and collared shirts, and women are in work clothes.
Graduate, Canberra - 11 Dec 2015
Facilities vary but overall they are good. Dress code is smart/formal, for general day to day can avoid tie and jacket.
Graduate, Melbourne - 18 Nov 2015
Easy to access, although the location isn?t amazing
Graduate, Melbourne - 13 Nov 2015
There is a current lack of new desks as company is outgrowing building constantly. Dress code is variable, some dress in business attire, some in casual, some a mix, and it can vary based on how comfortable you are.
Graduate, Adelaide - 29 Oct 2015