It was a long process but well communicated.
Graduate, Wellington - 15 Aug 2024
CV stage, IQ test, One way interview, Assessment day with in person interview, references check
Graduate, Wellington - 13 Aug 2024
Interview processes and assessments were fine don't have any strong feelings about it all.
Graduate, Wellington - 13 Aug 2024
The process was extremely lengthy and contained a number of assessments. Communication could be unclear which made it very confusing at times, particularly when reaching the final hurdle.
Graduate, Wellington - 13 Aug 2024
The hiring process is extremely tedious and can span a period of 3-5 months before confirmation is given that a candidate has been successful.
While it is understandable that the process is so thorough given the number of candidates, I believe it could be improved by being streamlined so that candidates finish the assessments in a more condensed period of time.
Graduate, Wellington - 13 Aug 2024
First you fill out the application form and upload your CV like any job application. There was an online video interview, psychometric testing, a written assessment, and an assessment centre (with team exercises, and a panel interview).
Graduate, Wellington - 13 Aug 2024
A lot of steps in the assessment process. First have to submit your CV, then submit a video recording answering some standard interview questions. Next is psychometric testing followed by a written assignment where you have three hours to answer questions based on a fictional scenario. The final stage is an in-person assessment centre which consists of a group interview and an individual interview.
Graduate, Wellington - 26 Jun 2024
The hiring process was long. It included a written assessment, recorded 'interview' questions, aptitude testing, and an in-person assessment day with panel interviews and group assessments.
Graduate, Wellington - 25 Jun 2024
The interview and assessment process was too long. Although everyone involved was lovely, the communication at times was lacking and there were big delays.
Graduate, Wellington - 25 Jun 2024
Relatively inflexible.
Graduate, Wellington - 25 Jun 2024
The interview process was staged with each activity 1 week apart (contingent on passing through to the next stage), usually with a window from Friday night - Sunday Evening to complete. This process was during COVID so all aspects were virtual, in-person experiences may vary: Applications open: CV/Cover Letter submissions Week 1: Aptitude testing (word association ,numerical and abstract reasoning) - 45 minutes Week 2: One-way recorder interview - 15 minutes Week 3: Problem Question answer - 3 hours Week 4-5: Virtual interview focused on behavioural questions- 45 minutes 2-4 weeks after interview: Acceptance/decline call and email
Graduate, Wellington - 29 Jun 2022
Very intense, long and arduous. A stressful experience.
Graduate, Wellington - 29 Jun 2022
long, many MANY steps.
Graduate, Wellington - 29 Jun 2022
1. Initial application - very standard, not unreasonable (esp. as very similar to anything else one might be applying for) 2. Testing - both the problem-solving and the language-based questions felt a lot less arbitrary than similar tests for other applications, like the law firm/other ministry ones my classmates were applying for, which I appreciated 3. Video interview - this was the worst part of the process for me; it's nerve-wracking without having someone to steer you in the right direction and there's more of an element of luck in how you prepare 4. Zoom interview - really nice for a zoom interview! The interviewers were lovely and empathetic to nerves.
Graduate, Wellington - 23 May 2022
It was long but that was mostly due to COVID. There was an initial application, then a cognitive test, then a verbal assessment, then a written test, then a final panel interview. It was very formal and un-personable until the final interview which was great.
Graduate, Wellington - 18 May 2022
Application -> -> Pre-recorded Video interview -> Written assessment -> Zoom interview -> Reference checks -> acceptance.
Graduate, Wellington - 18 May 2022
There are a lot of interview steps, verbal, written and numeric tests, group interviews and individual interviews.
Graduate, Wellington - 17 May 2022
Intensive. CVs, cover letters, psychometric testing, writing exercise, one-way video interview, online interview.
Midlevel, Wellington - 17 May 2022
The process for the grad recruitment is very long. It includes testing, a video interview, a written exercise and an interview or assessment day (COVID depending).
Graduate, Wellington - 17 May 2022
Long and hard. Psychometric was a bit of a joke. Interviews were great, I felt comfortable. Assessments were challenging but they provided ample support.
Graduate, Wellington - 17 May 2022