Occupational Therapist at North and West Remote Health
Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours) at James Cook University (JCU)
At NWRH, our teams are comprised of people from a range of diverse backgrounds, professions and locations. We value collaboration between specialities and teams to help us learn from each other’s viewpoints and provide a high level of care.
As an occupational therapist working in remote areas in and around Mount Isa, Cass sees a range of health conditions and people from all walks of life. She works closely with her clients, providing holistic healthcare services to meet their individual needs.
“What we’re able to achieve for clients out here is really special,” said Cass. “We get to know some amazing people. We can take the time to learn about their lives and help them improve their health. We connect people to services they may not have access to otherwise, and the whole community appreciates it. We have so many great client interactions here.”
Cass is passionate about providing holistic care to her clients, and her favourite experiences are always those where she can go above and beyond to have a huge positive impact in their lives. Her professional connections, clinical knowledge and resourcefulness make this possible.
“One of the communities I work in, Mornington Island, is very remote, and access to medical services is very limited. One of my clients was struggling with mobility, but still wanted to retain their independence. It’s challenging for people living in rural communities who aren’t able to drive and lack public transport. I decided to think outside the box and emailed the local rotary club about my client’s case. In doing so, we managed to obtain a fully-funded mobility scooter, allowing them to retain their independence. I was in tears that day, and am very happy that I put myself out there to try something different.”
At NWRH, our teams are diverse and multidisciplinary. This ensures our clinicians are able to provide the best, most appropriate client care. Teamwork and sharing ideas is especially critical when our team members travel to areas surrounding Mount Isa.
“I’ve never worked anywhere that values connection and teamwork so highly. I can go to anyone for help and feel comfortable chatting with our Allied Health Manager. There’s such a great support network here, both clinically and personally.”
NWRH has clinicians and team members providing services across rural Queensland. Cass enjoys sharing knowledge with the other Occupational Therapists in the broader NWRH team.
“There are currently four Occupational Therapists. Every morning, I chat with the Occupational Therapist in Cloncurry. I also check in with the others to do regular peer supervision. We also benefit from discussing client cases to share ideas and provide support around challenging situations.”
Cass is looking forward to growing as a clinician and branching more into management areas in NWRH. “NWRH wants to see you grow as a clinician. They can task you with challenging work, but they’re there to support you. There are plenty of opportunities to grow as a clinician and as a leader.”
Cass finds that resourcefulness and enthusiasm are key to succeeding as a clinician in rural areas. She believes in giving things a go and putting yourself out there to get the best results for clients. For people considering a career with NWRH, Cass recommends building connections with your team and expanding your network of contacts to reach out to when you need extra help or advice.