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  • 100 - 500 employees

Eva van Seventer

Graduate Software Developer at Re-Leased

Certificate IV in Programming

Stand up time, this daily meeting is when my squad discuss what we were working yesterday, what we’re working on today and is also an opportunity to bring any problems that might be beneficial for a team discussion.

6.45 AM

I wake up and block out some time for exercise! This usually is either practicing Taekwondo, going for a run or walking the dog depending on my current mood.

7.45 AM

I begin to get ready for work - shower, breakfast, make some lunch, coffee and usually a catch up with my sisters. After this I enjoy the Napier beach views and some good music on the 20min drive to work.


8.50 AM

Arrive at work, this is when I get updated with emails, slack and double check my calendar for meetings.  After this I continue working on my current task from the day before.

9.45 AM

This is usually when I get a coffee with my ‘Black Sheep’ squad (my engineering team) and have a catch-up and chat.

10.00 AM

Stand up time, this daily meeting is when my squad discuss what we were working yesterday, what we’re working on today and is also an opportunity to bring any problems that might be beneficial for a team discussion. This is also a good time to reach out for more support on my card if necessary and ask questions.

12.30 PM

I usually take a lunch break around this time - I’ll either have a chat with colleagues within the office break area, go for a walk along Ahuriri beach or go to Napier for a look around. I’ve recently been enjoying Vinci’s Pizza, which is a great alternative for when I forget lunch from home!


1.30 PM

Return to the office and continue working on my task. I also stabilise code by writing unit tests and check the criteria carefully. Whenever I need more support or help for this, I ask my squad for my guidance who are always happy to help.

4.00 PM

Attend a squad sprint planning to prepare the work for upcoming weeks. During this time, we discuss and refresh on the next cards and estimate how many we should aim to complete in the following sprint. This gives us a realistic short time goal which makes picking up a new card more seamless and organized.

4.30 PM

Continuing with my task, at this point I would be looking to see if I have enough time for a pull request at the end of the day but if it’s more difficult and time-consuming than expected I would get it in the following day.

5.15 PM

Drive home where I spend some time with the family, and later attend a Taekwondo class.