Customer Support Officer at Readygrad
Master of Information Technology at Charles Sturt University
What's your placement about?
My employer is working with online bookings for health practitioners. We set up accounts, the health professional profiles, personal customer accounts and mostly deal with MyHealth, where customers can book their appointments. Setting up bookings for medical health related bookings.
I am in the “set up and activation team” – and am troubleshooting any problems customers have, for example when they have issues making a booking or experiencing issues with their profiles. I am also involved in installing the practice management system and software and am teaching customers how to use this.
What's your background?
I was born in Nepal and finished my bachelor’s degree there and started doing a master’s degree here in Australia. I have been here for more than 6 years now. I was enjoying my life in Nepal, but didn’t feel fulfilled or experience any pressure/excitement. All my friends had a job back home but the opportunities and income in my country were not suitable for me. I felt I could get better experience and more opportunities in Australia so decided to study here and hopefully one day work in a multinational company.
Could someone with a different background do your placement?
I don’t think so. Or you need different styles of training. You don’t need a master’s degree but you do need knowledge of Cloud Computing, Networking, Troubleshooting, etc. If you have a background in another field, you will get help doing 2-3 months of courses.
You need knowledge about Cloud knowledge and Networking technologies. Just basic knowledge will do. Marketing and customer skills will come in handy as well as you’re showing customers how to use the product. You should also not be afraid to demonstrate things or do a presentation in front of people.
What's the coolest thing about your placement?
I really like working with the systems we have, like MyHealth. We have a demo version where we can play around, create profiles and initially make anyone a doctor on there. It’s really cool to see what you can do with technology. Salesforce is also a cool tool we use, to communicate with customers.
What are the limitations of your placement?
Sometimes we can get stuck in our work and we need to wait for further instructions from our mentors but they are not always available. The other thing is that the work sometimes feels basic as I have good knowledge about Networking and the Cloud, but if someone was getting into this job with basic skills it could be the best!
3 pieces of advice for your university-self?
If I could go back I would advise myself to strive to secure good marks in university for
my career. Also, to explore the world, make new friends and enjoy your friends’ company as during Covid we couldn’t do this at all!