Training is conducted by various team members within the office not just the managers. It is a very large computer system to learn so this can be daunting and hard to get your head around. Everyone is always willing to help not matter how many questions you ask. The company usually organise a graduate trip to the Sydney Head Office to training. Some of this is good training, some of it is not overly relevant. However it is really good to get to see other parts of the company and see where it all began and also to meet people you speak with regularly over the phone. Overall there probably could have been a bit more in-depth training to speed the learning process up a bit more.
Graduate, Adelaide - 19 Jul 2017
Redox offer graduate training in Sydney for you to see Head Office and meet the directors. There are internal training modules to complete online. Outside of internal training, if you find a course that would further your education and make you a further asset to the team you are welcome to ask Redox to help you complete the course.
Graduate, Adelaide - 17 Jul 2017
I think the formal training programmes aren't great, could definitely be improved. Informal training is much better, learning from your colleagues and direct supervisor about working processed plus understanding the market
Graduate, Sydney - 14 Jul 2017
One-on-one training with the sales manager at the beginning - it involved going through PowerPoint presentations related to sales skills. This was good theoretical knowledge. My direct supervisor accompanied me for my first customer visits to direct me and give advice.
Graduate, Melbourne - 14 Jul 2017