Ryman is a diverse organisation and seeks to provide a supportive workplace for all races and genders. Ryman is reflective of New Zealand and is evidently a multi-cultural organisation. All teams I have been a part of are mostly made up of women so I don't think there is any issue regarding gender diversity. I also think they like to retain staff if possible and seek flexible working arrangements to assist with childcare and maternity leave.
Graduate, Christchurch - 07 Mar 2022
A lot of the leaders are women which is great to see, some more consideration to ethnic minorities and LGBT would be fantastic.
Graduate, Christchurch - 24 Feb 2022
There are lots of women , ethnic minorities and I assume LGBT too. I believe that the company's kindness and inclusivity approach to everything is genuine.
Graduate, Christchurch - 24 Feb 2022
Lots of good comments made about the company from various people, good retention and an emphasis on 'growing your own'. Team could be more diverse.
Graduate, Melbourne - 23 Feb 2022