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Georgie Martin

Bachelor of communication at University of Technology, Sydney (UTS)

Today I have the opportunity to attend an informal settlement conference with one of the Senior Associates in my team. These are a really good opportunity to see the parties in action, and it’s great when a settlement is reached.

8.00 AM

It’s Monday morning. I live close to the city, so when its not too hot I love to walk into the office and kickstart the day! I usually get into work at around 8:30am and head to the Level 29 kitchen to heat up my breakfast. Every time I walk out of the lift, our fabulous receptionist is always there to wish me a good morning and chat about the weekend.


8.30 AM

I then head to my desk in the Casualty pod, which is typically full of people as my team is usually always in the office. I open up my laptop, take a look through my emails, check my calendar, and write up a list of tasks I need to do for the week.

9.00 AM

Once I’ve done my ‘admin’ for the morning, and if it’s not too busy, I’ll grab a coffee downstairs with some of the grads. The best coffee spot near the office is still open to debate, but at the moment we usually opt for Urban Barrell.

9.15 AM

My current team is a very high-volume litigation team working primarily in personal injury. This means that there is a lot of evidence to get through and analyze before we can advise our clients and make our case. My morning will be forensically reviewing documents that we’ve subpoenaed / received from the other side and then drafting a corresponding chronology. This is a really important task as the lawyers in the team rely on an accurate assessment of the evidence coming through for their advices.

11.00 AM

Today I have the opportunity to attend an informal settlement conference with one of the Senior Associates in my team. These are a really good opportunity to see the parties in action, and it’s great when a settlement is reached.

12.30 PM

I go and get lunch with the other grads (if work isn’t too busy!). We either meet up and sit in the Level 29 kitchen, or if it’s a sunny day then it’s great to go and sit outside and soak up that Vitamin D.


1.30 PM

I come back to my desk and settle in for the afternoon. Today I’m attending a witness conference, where my Senior Associate interviews a witness and I assist by taking notes and asking any follow up questions. I use these notes to prepare an evidentiary statement that will be filed in the proceedings.


3.00 PM

I’m due for my second (or third) coffee of the day so I get a quick espresso from the kitchenette.

3.15 PM

This afternoon I’m working on an advice for a Special Counsel, drafting an email update for a client, drafting a letter of instruction to a medical expert and reviewing an occupational therapist report. I can safely say that no day is the same though – the work here is very varied, which keeps things interesting and builds my confidence through working on a range of different tasks.


5.30 PM

I typically finish my day at around 5.30pm – 6pm. Some days I go to the gym or walk home, which I find to be a great way to clear my head and wind down after a big day in the office. If it’s a Friday, the grads will often grab a post work drink at Cabana Bar or hit up the Aperol spritz happy hour at Botswana!

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