Updating Results

Tatauranga Aotearoa | Stats NZ

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees


Statistical and Data Analyst at Tatauranga Aotearoa | Stats NZ

Bachelor of Commerce/Arts at University of Otago

If we're in our busiest part of a quarter, getting ready to output our survey results, I'll stay late to finish our survey analysis. When we're less busy I take this time back and head home earlier. This is the beauty of flexible work!

6.00 AM

I wake up, stay in bed for an extra 15 minutes and then get ready for the gym. I catch a 6:52 am bus into the city.

7.15 AM

I work out, shower, and get dressed into my work gear. It's quite casual at Stats, especially for those of us who don't meet with external stakeholders. I then walk to work which is a two-minute walk from the gym.


8.30 AM

I get in to the office, get my stuff out of my locker, and set up my workstation. I check and respond to my emails, and then make a to-do list of all the tasks I want to complete throughout the day and make a start.


9.30 AM

Three times a week, I have my team meeting. Video conferencing plays a key role in connecting my colleague and I to the rest of our Christchurch-based team.


10.00 AM

I head to my desk and continue to work, often working with my colleagues, either in person or through Skype or Microsoft Teams.


10.45 AM

Coffee time! I like to have a few coffee catch ups each week as it's a good way to get to know colleagues and to discuss work and non-work related stuff.


11.00 AM

I head back to my desk to get some work done. Working in a statistical output area means that I'm often at my desk for most of the day. 


12.00 PM

Chow time! Every day is different. I attend Toastmasters and Stats NZ's Waiata group once a week and on other days I'll either join my colleagues to chat over lunch or eat by myself and catch up on social media. I'm a millennial at heart!


12.45 PM

I get back to my desk and get through more work, working with other Statistical and Data Analysts, Senior Technicians who process our data as it comes in, Insights Analysts who pass on their knowledge and experience, my manager, and other parts of the business.

3.00 PM

QUIZ time! Every afternoon, without fail, our unit gathers around the kitchen area to complete the morning and afternoon quizzes. We don't do very well but there is always great banter, with everyone's personalities shining through.


3.30 PM

I head back to my desk and get the rest of my work done for the day. I schedule any overnight data runs that need to be done and write down tasks that I need to pick up and do tomorrow morning.


4.45 PM

It's home time! I pack up my desk items and pack them away in my locker. If we're in our busiest part of a quarter, getting ready to output our survey results, I'll stay late to finish our survey analysis. When we're less busy I take this time back and head home earlier. This is the beauty of flexible work!
