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Tatauranga Aotearoa | Stats NZ

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Tatauranga umanga Māori - Statistics on Māori businesses

Here is an example of some of the work done at Tatauranga Aotearoa that represents Māori businesses.

Ko tā te Tatauranga umanga Māori – Statistics on Māori businesses he tāpae kōrero mō ngā huinga iti e rua o ngā pakihi Māori takoha ki te ōhanga o Aotearoa – ngā whakaruruhau Māori, me ngā hinonga iti, wawaenga rānei. He raraunga anō tō te kawerongo nei e hāngai ana ki ngā pakihi tāpoi Māori, nō ngā whakaruruhau Māori, ngā hinonga iti, wawaenga rānei.

Tatauranga umanga Māori – Statistics on Māori businesses presents information on two subsets of Māori businesses that contribute to our country’s economy – Māori authorities and small and medium enterprises. This release also includes data on Māori tourism businesses which may be either Māori authorities or Māori SMEs.