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  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Shannon Culic

Business Graduate at TasNetworks

Bachelor of Arts (International Relations) at University of Tasmania

The learning activity will introduce students to basic electrical/energy concepts and give students tangible examples of how electricity is supplied to homes and businesses across Tasmania.

6.30 AM


7.00 AM

Shower, eat breakfast, and attempt to watch the news but catch up on YouTube videos instead.

7.45 AM

Leave for work.

8.15 AM

Arrive for work at TasNetworks, catching a glimpse of one of our transmission substations with Mount Wellington as the backdrop.

TasNetworks Shannon Culic arriving at the office

8.30 AM

Arrive at my desk and chat with my team about their weekend.

8.40 AM

Check emails. These emails usually contain feedback from my leader and team members on my current work, team members asking for feedback on their work, or upcoming meetings and events. There is a high level of collaboration in our business which means that we have regular meetings. The best investment I have made so far in my Graduate Program has been a daily diary where I keep track of my meeting times and location (as our main office is quite large).

9.00 AM

Meet up with my team for our weekly catch-up meeting. We each share our achievements from the previous week before then discussing upcoming tasks. We also share any relevant business news, of which there is usually a lot within the electricity industry.

10.00 AM

Start working through my to-do list, starting with high-priority items first. I keep track of my upcoming tasks through an excel spreadsheet, where I have all tasks categorised in order of importance, date due, a percentage that it is complete and any other notes on the task. I am currently working in a tariff trial project which involves a lot of interesting work and it is important that I keep on top of everything and am aware of the due dates. My current work includes researching other tariff trials or communicating with our trial participants, whether that is through creating the latest newsletter, creating energy saving tips for our app or responding to queries on our Facebook page.

10.30 AM

Regular catch-up meetings with my wider team. Here we pick out just one achievement from the past week and we also share any safety observations we have. Our company has an important focus on safety both within our business and in our everyday lives. Therefore we are strongly encouraged to share any safety observations regardless of it is happen at work or on the weekend.

12.00 PM

Meet my fellow graduates in the café for lunch. We have a nice cafeteria at our main office, which is handy considering we are out of the city. If it is nice weather we sometimes sit outside and play 500.

TasNetworks Shannon Culic lunch time

1.00 PM

Attend a STEAM project meeting. The STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics) is a project we are completing as part of our Graduate Program. During this meeting we discussed an upcoming learning activity which we are going to deliver to local schools. The learning activity will introduce students to basic electrical/energy concepts and give students tangible examples of how electricity is supplied to homes and businesses across Tasmania.

TasNetworks Shannon Culic project meeting

2.00 PM

Attend a tariff-trial project meeting. Our project manager leads this meeting starting with accomplishments of the past week and then moving on to outstanding actions. Our project manager sends out an agenda so that we are all aware of the outstanding actions prior to the meeting and can bring up any queries that we may have. Our tariff-trial project involves people from different areas of our business so our meetings are a key way to share our activities and discuss upcoming tasks.

2.30 PM

Start working on the outstanding actions brought up in the project meeting. Right now this involves using data from one of our trial participants to create a personal, customer story. In this story, I illustrate how we are empowering our customers to become aware of their energy usage and take action to control their electricity bill. I create a written script and then support the narrative with a gallery walk.

3.30 PM

Meet up with my graduates for a game of table tennis. This is a good way to break up the afternoon and stay productive. It is also a good form of exercise! I am very fortunate to work for a business which encourages its people to stay healthy. They also promote a healthy lifestyle with a free onsite gym.

TasNetworks Shannon Culic playing table tennis

4.00 PM

Come back to the office refreshed and energised from our table tennis game. Finish a draft of the customer story and send it to my project manager and team members for feedback.

4.30 PM

Have a quick peppermint tea and muesli bar break.

4.45 PM

Smash out the ‘easier’ tasks on the to-do list. I always try to leave the easier jobs for the afternoon; these include changing the colour scheme on presentations or updating images for key external reports with more current pictures of our business. There might also be a business or people survey to complete as our company appreciates feedback from its people.

5.30 PM

Leave for home.

6.00 PM

Grocery shopping and making lunch for the following day. There are limited vegan options at our café at work so I always try to pack my lunch.

7.00 PM


8.30 PM

Watch Netflix on the couch with my boyfriend.

9.30 PM
