Partnerships & Engagement at Tatauranga Aotearoa | Stats NZ
Master of Indigenous Studies at University of Otago
5.45 AM
I wake up and fill my coffee perculator and while I’m waiting for it to brew I’ll change into my gym gear and listen to a podcast (currently listening to Russel Brand’s one at the moment).
7.30 AM
I return home from the whare kori tinana (gym) and prepare for mahi (work). Given Pōnekeneke (Wellington) is jam-packed in the morning and people are flooding the streets I like to give myself plently of time to stay mindful and alleviate undue stress. It ususally takes me 10 minutes to walk to the office from my whare (house).
8.45 - 9.00 AM
I start my working day, usually with a hui (meeting). As a internal partnerships lead, it is important for me to connect across the different business units within the organisation.
12.00 PM
If my hui don’t run overtime, I will usually take a break and have some lunch. I will often bring in kai from home and sit with my hoamahi (work collegues) in our communal space on level 11 (nau mai heare mai – come and say hi whānau)
3.00 – 4.00 PM
My hui conclude during this time on most days, with a few exceptions. I will do a quick reflection of the day with my team/ management staff and tie up any loose ends that may arise. After this I have a glance at my calendar for the following day to keep a note of things to parepare for.
9.30-10.00 PM
Bed time! Most evening’s I spend with my partner and family and watch some tv series or movies to help break up the day and most importantly, relax and recover. Then on to the next day.
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