Casting our net wider to make sure we attract the best talent for every role - Driving career progression, regardless of race, gender or any other discriminating factor - Developing our grad programs - Developing our intern program (recognised by Interns Australia as one of the best intern programs available)
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Dec 2017
The company has compensated applicants for travel/accommodation expenses if they are coming from far away (which I thought was a very nice gesture)
Graduate, Brisbane - 01 Dec 2017
We support charities like The Smith Family and participate heavily in primary, secondary and tertiary education.
Graduate, Brisbane - 01 Dec 2017
We promote and sponsor programmes at local universities
Midlevel, Brisbane - 01 Dec 2017
The company makes a good effort to foster opportunities for less privileged people in a charitable sense. However I am not sure if this creates a lot of opportunity for social mobility to positions at this company specifically.
Graduate, Brisbane - 01 Dec 2017
we have disabled people that work for us, the workplace has facilities
Graduate, Brisbane - 01 Dec 2017