Behaviour questions.
Graduate, Brisbane - 31 Oct 2022
Where I worked, how I approach difficult positions, how I collaborate with my team and by myself.
Graduate, Brisbane - 31 Oct 2022
Be genuine people will be able to see through lies or false bravado. Remember that the person interviewing you was once in your position. Bring: - Academic histories - Bank Information - Resumes - Printed code samples (with links to your repository) You may not need these but it is good to be prepared. Dress up, wear a suit if you believe it may reflect better on you.
Graduate, Brisbane - 05 Dec 2017
Research the company. If something on the website impresses you or catches your attention, make sure to bring it up (for me it was their gender equality initiatives). Be yourself, let your personality shine through.
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Dec 2017
Show the interviewers what you're passionate about, and ask questions about everything you want to know. The interview is a two way process, you are being assessed but you also need to determine if you would be happy working at the company.
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Dec 2017
I believe the company is looking for people with talent but also people who will be a good fit with the culture, so just be yourself
Midlevel, Brisbane - 04 Dec 2017
Getting a referral would help. The best way is to become an intern first, as they are often successful graduate applicants. Otherwise, be good at what you do, be confident you can do it, and sell yourself well
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Dec 2017
C# experience would be a huge help. Engaging with university group projects is essential - programming at TechnologyOne is all about working in a team setting and a surprising amount of socialisation occurs throughout a given day.
Graduate, Brisbane - 01 Dec 2017
Learn about the company, what industries the work in, what SaaS is and why you would want to work for TechnologyOne over a bespoke software solution company.
Graduate, Brisbane - 01 Dec 2017
Be yourself, as culture is a huge part of the company, faking your personality would be a big negative.
Graduate, Brisbane - 01 Dec 2017
Show that you are passionate about being a developer (or any job you apply for) and that you can demonstrate leadership skills.
Midlevel, Brisbane - 01 Dec 2017
Make sure you show interest in what you are applying for. If someone talks to you about the possibility of doing particular work, if you want to do it, make sure you show enthusiasm for that work. Otherwise the interviewer might get the impression that you are not interested. There are a lot of different roles here that you might qualify for, and questions will be asked to gauge which one would suit you the best.
Graduate, Brisbane - 01 Dec 2017
Know how to network - half of the people I interviewed with were people I had met at the networking night.
Graduate, Brisbane - 01 Dec 2017
Show your passion in the interview :)
Graduate, Brisbane - 01 Dec 2017
Be honest. They want the real you. They want smart, productive people but they also want people who are real. They want you to be able to work well in a team as well as work autonomously. Come prepared with examples of how you have faced adversity and challenges in life, how you have managed and overcome this, because they want to see how you are able to manage difficult situations. Make sure to smile
Midlevel, Brisbane - 01 Dec 2017