Health, Safety & Well-being Intern at The Warehouse Group
5.30 AM
Rise and shine!
6.00 - 7.00 AM
I like to start my day with some activity by lifting weights and running/walking, it sets me up well for the day and clears my head. I am not the same without my morning workout!
8.00 - 9.00 AM
Time to pick up one of the other interns and drive to work! We’re lucky to live very close so the commute isn’t too bad! We head into the office, and I get straight into some emails and say good morning to my team.
10.00 AM
Every Monday morning, we have a team meeting, this is where we discuss our 3 w’s; our wins from the last week, our worries for the coming week and what we are going to do for our well-being this week. A great conversation occurs here, chatting about our weekends and what we all got up to. The meeting leader usually presents an exciting topic of focus for the week, they may show a video, or song or have a short game. The meeting ends with an update on ecoPortal- the safety reporting site the team is currently launching.
11.00 AM
Then, I take some time to write SOPs (standard operating procedures) for the modules in ecoPortal.
11.15 AM
Next, I have my daily stand-up with my mentor to check in on how I am tracking along with my tasks and is a great time for me to ask any questions.
12.00 - 12.30 PM
I head down to the café to meet the other fellow interns, a great time to all connect and discuss how all our work is going in the different departments. I tuck into my meal-prepped lunch I made on Sunday night, usually a chicken wrap or salad.
1.00 - 1.30 PM
I had a call with an external stakeholder from ecoPortal and my mentor, highlighting our progress with the launch and the next steps.
5.00 PM
I then spent the afternoon creating a script and recording an e-learning module for one of the modules in ecoPortal.
5.15 - 6.00 PM
After sitting in the office the whole day, I get home and head off on a quick walk to get some alone time and more steps in!
6.30 PM
After that, I make dinner for my family, tonight was nachos!
7.30 PM
Eat dinner and chat with my family about their days and what’s coming up for the rest of the week.
9.00 PM
After dinner, I complete some uni work or other admin tasks I need to keep up with.
9.30 PM
Time to unwind and start my nighttime routine. I then get into bed and read for around 20 minutes, then turn out the light. Got to make sure I get my 8 hours!
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