Strong internal donation matching programs and 1 week off for Charity work every year. Using the time off is incentivised upon completion with a company donation of your choice.
Graduate, Sydney - 28 Apr 2021
We recently celebrated Earth Day via Zoom call and committed to planting a tree for each attendee, composting is highly encouraged at the office, minimal use of paper, etc.
Graduate, Sydney - 28 Apr 2021
We have a sustainability team, as well as 40 hours of paid volunteer hours. however maybe due to COVID these were also interrupted. But I have not seen many things organised for us to use these 40 hours.
Graduate, Melbourne - 22 Mar 2021
The company provides employees with 40 Hours of "Service Learning" every year. Essentially, you can spend these 40 Hours (whether all in one go or spread throughout the year) to do volunteering working in the hopes that by giving back to the community, you can also learn something from it to support your personal growth.
Midlevel, Sydney - 11 Mar 2021
My company is very passionate about contributing back to the community and supporting charities. Employees are given 40 hours a year to volunteer for charities of their choice. The company also matches any charities donations from employees.
Graduate, Sydney - 25 May 2017
Service Learning is a huge element and perhaps the one I most love about this company.
Graduate, Sydney - 25 May 2017
Regularly organised charity event and volunteering.
Graduate, Sydney - 15 May 2017
My company is very committed to corporate social responsibility, thus we are regularly encouraged to volunteer and make a contribution to corporate social responsibility.
Graduate, Sydney - 15 May 2017