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Teagan Sloane

Bachelor of Laws (Honours) at James Cook University (JCU)

I had a quick meeting with a client to sign some documents and discuss the steps moving forward for the purchase of their Property.  

6.30 AM

My first alarm to get up for work goes off at around 6:30am, however, I usually lay in bed for about 15 minutes before I feel awake enough to hop in the shower.  

I like to enjoy a coffee outside in the morning, to help get some fresh air before I head to the office for the day. I leave home at 7:30am every day as I have a 30-minute commute to work.  


8.00 AM

I arrive at work at approximately 8:00am. Getting to work 30 minutes early allows me to sort through my emails and task list before starting my workload for today. 

This morning I had a few emails from my supervisor from the night before, so I actioned all of those before starting work on my task list.  

At this point in my morning I also decided to go and make my second coffee for the day.  


9.00 AM

When my supervisor arrives for the day, we have a quick catch-up about what needs to be done, anything new that he would like me to start and any appointments that we have lined up. Today was a busy day, we had a lot of preparation to do on matters because of the public holidays coming up.  

I started the day off drafting a Loan Agreement and Deed of Assignment – today this took me around 2 hours, with me answering phones and responding to emails at the same time. 

11.00 AM

I have a quick break to fill up my water bottle before staring my Settlement preparation for the conveyancing matters I have coming up.  Settlement preparation today included booking banks and drafting Settlement Statements. 

1.00 PM

Lunch time! Today I decided that I wanted to get out of the office for lunch, so I headed down to one of my favorite lunch places (only a short walk away) with one of my friends from university. 


2.00 PM

After getting back to the office from Lunch, I put together the documents I needed for my Settlement today before taking the short walk to Townsville Settlements. 

Townsville Settlements wasn’t overly busy today so my matter was all Settled after only 20 minutes and then I was headed back to the office to give my clients a call with the good news.   

3.30 PM

I had a quick meeting with a client to sign some documents and discuss the steps moving forward for the purchase of their Property.  

After my meeting, I put together all the documents I needed for my Settlements the next day. I also followed up any emails I had sent today that required a response by 5:00pm, for example if my client had not gotten back to me about a request to extend their Finance date.  


5.10 PM

Home time! 

Before I leave the office, I like to clean up my desk and print my task list for the next day, so I am all organised for the next morning.   
