We have a grad program at work to get help and advice from the partners is specific areas within work.
Graduate, Townsville - 16 Aug 2023
We are provided training sessions in a number of databases that we have. We are given specific sexual harassment, bullying and discrimination training which is fantastic.
Graduate, Townsville - 16 Jun 2023
At the commencement of my employment with the firm I was overwhelmed with the training. From inhouse procedures to insurance policies and research. Now that I have settled in I don't do as much training, only the training required for CPD and insurance.
Graduate, Townsville - 26 Apr 2023
At the commencement of my employment with the firm I was overwhelmed with the training. From inhouse procedures to insurance policies and research. Now that I have settled in I don't do as much training, only the training required for CPD and insurance.
Graduate, Townsville - 26 Apr 2023
The introductory training is fantastic and really helps to introduce a new graduate to the firm. However, after that point there isn't much further formal training. There is a lot of informal/on the job training once you start getting into the work.
Graduate, Townsville - 09 Mar 2022
At the commencement of my employment (orientation) was very useful in helping me to adjust to the firm and the internal computer programs. Most of my ongoing training comes from my supervisor, which I find is a great way to learn.
Graduate, Townsville - 05 Nov 2021
Everyone makes themselves available to assist with training where needed
Graduate, Townsville - 05 Nov 2021
At wrg you learn on the job by assisting your workgroup partner with actual legal tasks on their files. Learning this way really lets you understand the law as well as the practical implications.
Graduate, Townsville - 29 Jan 2021
Trainees at my company work directly with experienced Solicitors to enhance their skills. You work on their files/matters with them and they provide feedback on your work as the matters progresses.
Graduate, Townsville - 28 Jan 2021
There is no real training program. It is very much learn on the job and learn from your mistakes.
Graduate, Townsville - 24 Jan 2021