Justin [00:00:00] What would you say is probably your number one tip or piece of advice for these engineering students who are applying to your graduate program?
Ryan [00:00:07] Bring yourself. Don't try and be anything other than who you are. It can be very easy to come in thinking you need to have all of this knowledge and experience from the short four years that you've been in university. But your career is lifelong growing and lifelong learning. So, you know, bring yourself, bring a right attitude. I think attitude is so much more important than any other skill set that you have. Any other skill set can be learned who you are as a person, your approach, all the rest of that. That's the thing that makes the difference. We're a business that is built on relationships, and who you are as a person is going to help us figure out if we can build those relationships and connect you in for that experience and for that growth going forward.