Justin [00:00:00] What do you think is probably the trickiest question that you ask grads during the interview process? And how can they better answer that question or best answer it?
Ryan [00:00:08] I think the hardest question that grads struggle with is when I ask them to identify weaknesses. I think people think weaknesses "Oh, they have to have a good weakness or they have to have a bad weakness or they have to have, you know..." And I think I try to frame it in a lens of leadership qualities. And all leaders have strengths and weaknesses. They need to be able to identify them in their teams. And so how do you identify them in yourselves, that sort of piece. But I think as a graduate, you want to be honest with where you're at and not feel you need to be strong at everything. Having things that are not necessarily your strengths is advantageous to allowing growth and development to occur. So it's it's okay to say "Actually, I'm not. Sometimes I struggle for with organization or sometimes I struggle with time management or overloading myself or..." All of those sorts of things.
There's no right or wrong answer, but being able to identify them is a really, really important element of realizing where you're at and where those blind spots are. And I think that's something that a lot of grads struggle with because they've been told your entire life to be good at everything and we don't have to be good at everything. So that's sort of where I think that's probably a struggling thing for a graduate to come to terms with sometimes.