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Unitec Career and Employability Directory Profiles

Showing 219 items

  • Day in the life

Kye Beaven

In Acquisitions, some of our most valuable relationships are with agents and consultants so the mornings are usually filled with meetings to discuss any new opportunities or updates on active projects.
  • Graduate stories
The Graduate Program has helped me develop my professional skills by providing opportunities other employers don’t offer.

Kyriah Willacy

  • Day in the life

Laura Cummack

We discuss the progress of the sites, the delays, any mitigation strategies that we can employ and the forecast for the next week of work.
  • Day in the life

Lauryn Neto

My favourite time of the week… the HR weekly meeting! Whilst my team talk all day, every day, we do have a specific weekly meeting to keep us all connected and informed on all things HR/ Recruitment, centrally and nationally.
  • Graduate stories
Take any opportunity that is presented. Certain opportunities may look scary at first, but opportunities are called that for a reason as there is always the chance it could become something much bigger and better!

Lauryn Neto

  • Graduate stories
I feel like I look back every day and can see how far I’ve come since my first day but also how much more I have to learn.

Lauryn Patricia-Rose Critchley

  • Day in the life

Libby Hudson

My task includes assessing subcontractor claims and purchase orders, and processing invoices for approval by the project management team.
  • Day in the life

Lily Heywood

The construction team holds their weekly catch-up, with the Team Administrator providing updates to the team. As I have just joined the Construction team this week, I am given a warm welcome by everyone.