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Unitec Career and Employability Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
The most rewarding aspect for me was the encouragement to step outside my comfort zone and to grow as a professional.

Advait Deshpande

  • Graduate stories
Being a Science major, almost all of the technical things I worked on were new to me. Kami has some really dedicated and kind employees who are ready to help whenever you’re stuck or have questions.

Afreen Azfar

  • Graduate stories
"Semua hal yang saya dapatkan ketika magang sangatlah membantu saya untuk lebih cepat beradaptasi dan efektif ketika bekerja di posisi saya yang sekarang yaitu sebagai Marketing Communication Manager"

Ahmad Nur Fajar

  • Graduate stories
"Jika sudah banyak mencoba, kita akan cenderung lebih tahu arah mana yang kita inginkan"

Ailsa Salsabila Cahyaningtyas

  • Graduate stories
"Sebagai intern di Halodoc, saya merasa disambut dengan baik oleh para senior. Selain itu mereka juga sangat baik dan suportif"

Ailsa Zhafira

  • Day in the life

Ain Khera Ycong

In the project that I am currently working on right now, we have a daily stand-up call... We discuss the progress of the development of the solution that we are working on. Currently, my roles are as a Junior BA and a tester in this project.
  • Graduate stories
"Saranku perbaguslah dan berikan effort waktu dan tenaga untuk membuat portofolio!"

Aisha Ahya

  • Graduate stories
I have been with Genpact for almost a month, and it’s been a good learning journey for me. The coolest thing for me was that I got into a project just after few days of onboarding and got access to live data.

Ajay M Menon