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Unitec Career and Employability Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
"Memahami pekerjaan yang kamu inginkan dan work environmentnya perusahaan itu bagaimana akan menjadi sebuah nilai tambah di mata recruiter."

Galuh Fadillah Grandis

  • Graduate stories
"workload yang ku dapat masuk akal, kerjanya jelas, tidak pernah lembur, lingkungan kerjanya kondusif, mentor dan senior aku juga supportive. "

Galuh Kania Anindita

  • Day in the life

Galuh Kania Anindita

Galuh Kania Anindita adalah seorang alumni jurusan Sastra Indonesia dari Universitas Indonesia. Ia lulus pada tahun 2021 dan saat ini sedang menjalani magang sebagai Content Development di DANA Indonesia.
  • Graduate stories
As a Graduate you have structured training and you're part of a group, so you get to know each other and support each other.

Gemma McGinness

  • Graduate stories
I love how the team pumps each other up before a big power hour, plays a quick game or has an inspirational chat. It loosens you up and gets you laughing before you dive into the hour!

Georgia Klonis

  • Day in the life

Georgia Manthey

The two biggest perks of field tests for me are exploring and learning. While testing, you're thrown into the deep end, constantly learning about new technologies and how everything is interconnected.
  • Graduate stories
"Saya apply di Zenius karena animasi di Zenius yang lebih terkonsep mulai dari pre-production sampai final production dibandingkan kompetitor lainnya"

Ghina Amalia Shalihat

  • Graduate stories
The opportunities to learn and immerse myself in a company that is rapidly growing are endless. From its early days of just being a database to establishing itself as a data platform, there is so much to learn.
