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Unitec Career and Employability Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
The coolest thing about my job is the satisfaction of completing a new feature and seeing it function correctly (with no errors), this is especially satisfying if the feature was being worked on for a while with tedious bugs.

Ajay Mistry

  • Graduate stories
The workplace culture is one of my favourite things about the company, everyone is friendly and very helpful.

Akshay David

  • Graduate stories
Aside from the impact I have made on the account, my proudest moment was being able to organize volunteering events for HPE employees with Ronald McDonald House.

Alan Ngo

  • Day in the life

Alana Keegan

I found that after my internship project where I did a deep dive into the needs of our partners and what influences their engagement with our platform, that I can truly understand how I can best support their needs within my role.
  • Graduate stories
In general, I love the continuous learning curve as there is always something that can be done better when it comes to Geotechnical Engineering.

Aleksandar Radmanovic

  • Day in the life

Alex Boyd

Some substances we use in our experiments are potentially harmful to human health and the environment, and so we need to use them in a safe and controlled manner.
  • Day in the life

Alex Simpson

Alex Simpson graduated with a Bachelor of Science (Chemistry) from Cardiff University in 2015 and is now a data consultant at The Data School.
  • Day in the life

Alexandra Galea

Alexandra Galea graduated with a Double Degree in Arts and Commerce at Monash University and is now an Australia Retail and Commercial Graduate at ANZ in the Inclusion Australia Team.