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Unitec Career and Employability Directory Profiles

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  • Day in the life

Jack Davis

My team has been building some data asset pipelines...for me, testing involves running the pipelines a few times to make sure we get from start to finish without hitting any errors and manually checking the outputs to confirm everything looks good.
  • Graduate stories
My favourite thing about GIS is the problem-solving aspect of the job. I enjoy unravelling spatial puzzles, analysing data to uncover insights, and the satisfaction you finding the solution to solve the problem. 

Jack Parker

  • Day in the life

Jacob Wisniewski

Jacob is a graduate with a degree in Computer Science at Monash University and is now a Software Engineer at REA Group.
  • Day in the life

Jake St Mart

Interacting with leaders all over the world can be daunting at first, but once you go through a few of these you’ll get the hang of it! Awesome exposure too!
  • Graduate stories
Part of being on the team is having “crazy” ideas about how software could be applied to an area and being given the time to test it out.


  • Day in the life

James Borden

James Borden studied a Bachelor of Information Technologies and Systems at the Monash University in 2016 and is now a graduate Consultant at IBM.
  • Day in the life

James Corben

Life as an Adobe intern is exciting because no two days are the same. Each day presents itself with new tasks and opportunities to grow professionally and as a person. This is my experience of a day in the life of a Product Marketing Intern at Adobe in Sydney.
  • Graduate stories
James Fricker studied a Bachelor of Mathematics (Statistics) and Bachelor of Finance at the University of Adelaide and is now a Technology Graduate at ANZ.

James Fricker