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Unitec Career and Employability Directory Profiles

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  • Day in the life

Jonathan Medenilla

At Hitachi Solutions, we report to the office at least twice a month. Going to the office on some days helps teams build relationships and camaraderie within and outside our team.
  • Graduate stories
I know I have a support network that is understanding so I know I’ll never be left alone in the dark.

Jordan Mowlai

  • Graduate stories
Enjoy every little moment of success on each and every project. Whether it’s in a team setting or a personal achievement on a project, taking the time to appreciate what you have achieved makes it 100% more rewarding.

Jordan Reid

  • Graduate stories
The coaching FDM provided really condensed the learning to the most relevant and practical knowledge and skills required on the job.

Jorel Basangan

  • Graduate stories
The coaching FDM provided really condensed the learning to the most relevant and practical knowledge and skills required on the job

Jorel Basangan

  • Graduate stories
Looking back, I never thought I’d see the day where I’d know as much as I do now, and be able to help my teammates too.

Josh Dominguez

  • Graduate stories
Never be afraid to ask for guidance, and often the secret is finding the right person to speak to.

Joshua Bloom

  • Day in the life

Joshua Fu

I like to start my day by reading some tech-related news and other recent events, which usually wakes my brain up for the day and gets things up to speed.